Listening Activity: "Draw the Party"

Objective/ product

Students draw, in cartoon form, the events and situations at a party they hear described by a fellow learner, the teacher, or another informant.Details described may include how many people were outside and inside the house, how many of them were doing various activities (dancing, drinking, eating, watching videos, singing), and where the activities were taking place.

Followup: the accuracy of the drawings is checked.

Materials needed

No special materials are required; the visual presenter may be used for display of drawings.

Procedures for traditional classroom

The procedure is simple; learners listen and draw individually. It may be a good idea to repeat the listening several times, asking the students to refrain from drawing until they have listened once all the way through.

Followup stage: Since in the traditional classroom it may be difficult to display a single drawing for everyone to see, learners may exchange drawings and compare details in L1 or L2.

Adaptations for ITV

No adaptation of this activity is necessary for its use in the ITV classroom.

In the followup stage, the visual presenter of the ITV classroom provides an advantage over equipment available in the traditional classroom.The teacher can gather and display student cartoons from the originating site anonymously and at random, and invite anyone to use the target language to point out differences between the displayed cartoon and the description that was heard. This kind of "anonymous peer correction" is non-threatening, since the authors of the drawings are not identified.


©1999 Stephen Fleming, NFLRC, University of Hawai‘i.All rights reserved.