This is an English translation of an earlier Special Publication in Spanish:
Cruz Cruz, Emiliana, ed. 2020. Reflexiones teóricas en torno a la función del tra- bajo de campo en lingüística-antropológica: Contribuciones de investigadores indí- genas del sur de México. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 22.
- Introduction
- Foreword
- Translators’ introduction
- SP23 Front Matter
- SP23 Cover
- SP23 Whole Volume
- About the authors
- Cultural glossary for the translations
- Ethical principles in linguistic fieldwork methodologies–According to whom?
- Between the academy and the community: The trickster who dances at the party and shows her tongue
- “And what are you getting out of this?” Experiencing fieldwork in your community of origin: From reflection into emotional healing
- Activism and research for the promotion of literacy in Chatino: Experiences and reflections from fieldwork
- Between insiders and outsiders: When an indigenous researcher conducts studies in her own community
- Sk’an jtsatsubtastik ko’ontontik: Dialogues, challenges, and complexities of being a Tsotsil researcher