PBLL Mentoring: Final Meeting Checklist
The NFLRC’s Mentoring Program for Project-Based Language Learning structures the guidance an experienced language educator can provide to a less-experienced language teacher with the aim of deepening their knowledge and sharpening their praxis in the development and delivery of PBLL experiences.
This page is designed as a final check for mentor and mentee when they meet for the fifth and possibly final time, to ensure that both of them have met requirements of the program. If the answer to each of the following bulleted items is “yes,” then the mentor can proceed with filling out the program evaluation and the mentorship completion / badge request form.
- Did the two of you hold an initial meeting to set a schedule and discuss the program?
- Did the two of you hold a minimum of three synchronous working meetings to review the mentee’s reflective work and to answer his or her questions?
- Did the mentee complete a 3-2-1 reflection (template here) for each of three or more lessons selected from the series? (the template has space for 3 lesson reflections)
- Did the mentee share the 3-2-1 reflection document with the mentor and with the NFLRC by making the document readable by “anyone with the link”?
- Did the mentor embed the mentee in a project that the mentor is teaching, or did the mentor become embedded in a project that the mentee is developing? Note: This recommendation is not required.
- Did the mentor share materials and resources with the mentee and/or show the mentee where to locate open educational resources that provide practical examples of the content that the mentee is learning about in the lessons?
- Did the mentee complete the program evaluation form?
If the answer to any of the foregoing bulleted items is “no,” then the mentor should delay filling out the program evaluation and the mentorship completion form. You must meet again when all items can be answered “yes.”