Getting to know the Spanish speaking community at Everett Community College by Sarah Willoughby

created on Jun 30, 2016 modified on Sep 12, 2016 11:16


The students will become familiar with the Spanish speaking population of our college through exporation of the cultural context including examination of culturally authenic texts and interviews with native speakers. 

National Foreign Language Resource Center
Sarah Willoughby

Language: Spanish

Subject Area(s): language and literature, ethnic identity, society, emigration/immigration, communities

Instructional Context

Target Audience Description:
This product of this project will be distributed to the campus community via the campus Facebook page, the Diversity and Equity Center, the Latinx Student Union, and the Entre Familia event.

Audience Location:
Everett Community College and local community

Audience Role:

Product Description:
The product will be determined depending on the interests and skills of the students, but may include an infographic and/or a student spotlight. The final product will be bilingual English/Spanish.

Heritage Learners:

Language Proficiency

ACTFL Scale:

World Readiness Standards


Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives

School and Global
Lifelong Learning

Language comparisons
Cultural comparisons

Making Connections
Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives


Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

21st Century Skills

Life and Career Skills
Social and Cross Cultural Skills

Information, Media, and Technology Skills

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness

Life and Career Skills
Flexibility and adaptability
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability

Project Sequence Overview

Launching the Project

1. Entry Event - Mini-interview model - Instructor will model a mini interview with a local native speaker to create curiosity among the students and model interview structure and sample content. more detail

2. Explora la pregunta - The instructor will guide an exploratory discussion about the Spanish speaking population of the college. The questions we will ask ourselves are 1) what do we know about the Spanish speaking population of Everett Community College?, 2) what do we want to know?, and 3) how might we go about getting to know the Spanish speaking community better? more detail

Managing the Project

1. Investigar & Analizar - Students will find a "text" that they will use to try to answer one of the questions posed during the "Explora la pregunta" phase of the project. They will create two written pieces as a part of this activity. They will write an annotated bibliography of their chosen "text" and a synthesis or reflection about what the information tells us about the Spanish speaking community of our college. more detail

2. Entrevista (Part 1) - Students will connect with a Spanish speaker that has some connection to our college. more detail

3. Entrevista (Part 2) - Students will work collaboratively with their classmates to draft a list of 10 questions to use for their interview. more detail

4. Entrevista (Part 3) - Students will meet with their interviewee on person or on Skype at the arranged time. Students will engage in conversation with their interviewee using the questions created by the class. Students will record the conversation and post it to a discussion in the CMS. more detail

5. Entrevista (Part 4) - Students will write a short description (in L2) about their experience. They will solicit help with areas of their recorded interview that they find difficult to comprehend. more detail

6. Producto - Student will create a product (infographic, student spotlight, etc.) that helps the campus community get to know the Spanish speaking members of the community. more detail


1. Reflection - Reflection of elements of project including language learning and interculturality. more detail