¡Vamos a la feria! / Let's go to the Fair! by Stacy Amling

created on Jun 30, 2016 modified on Oct 10, 2016 02:08


Typical celebrations and fairs often have deep cultural ties that go far beyond the surface images and practices in which participants engage. In this project, community-college learners of Spanish will engage in an exploration of the similarities and differences some of the common celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries to that of the Iowa State Fair, one of our state’s most iconic events, in order to prepare a culturally appropriate marketing campaign in Spanish about the Fair. While visitors may be able to navigate the Fair without Spanish-language materials, this is our opportunity to collaboratively provide a more welcoming environment by supplementing the existing English language materials.

National Foreign Language Resource Center

Language: Spanish

Subject Area(s): entertainment, food, travel, lifestyles, communities

Instructional Context

Audience Role:
Spanish-speaking visitors or community residents in Iowa

Target Audience Description:
This project is designed for use with community college students studying Spanish as a world language who are enrolled in Elementary Spanish II (second-semester college).

Audience Location:
Iowa, USA

Product Description:
The students will be creating online Spanish-language materials about the Iowa State Fair. The specific format will be determined cooperatively with students, but will likely include websites, blog posts, and/or infographics.

Product Target Culture:
Spanish-speaking visitors or community residents in Iowa

Heritage Learners:

Language Proficiency

ACTFL Scale:
3 4 2

World Readiness Standards


Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives

School and Global
Lifelong Learning

Cultural comparisons

Making Connections
Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives


Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

21st Century Skills

Life and Career Skills
Social and Cross Cultural Skills

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Technology Literacy
Media Literacy

Life and Career Skills
Leadership and responsibility
Productivity and Accountability

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. Key Knowledge and Understanding Grid, and Product Reflection Square - For an overview of the project's scope and intended outcomes, review the grid and product reflection square: more detail

2. Driving Question & Learning Targets - After learners engage in some cultural compare/contrast regarding festivals, we will discuss possible driving questions and ways to mitigate the lack of existing materials in Spanish for visitors. more detail

Launching the Project

1. Entry Event: Compare/Contrast - Students (who are at the novice-mid to novice-high level) will watch two brief videos (without sound) featuring two different fairs and compare/contrast the features of two (or more) popular fairs and festivals--with at least one being from a target language-speaking community. more detail

2. Brainstorming / Generating Ideas - Now that students have begun to think about celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries, they can begin to brainstorm questions for our native-Spanish-speaking informants. more detail

3. Intercultural Exchange Interviews - To gain cultural insights, students will use prepared questions to interview our Spanish-speaking informants from the community. more detail

Managing the Project

1. Scaffolding their Development - Numerous steps will be taken throughout the project process to ensure that students can be successful with their project. more detail

2. Drafting Spanish-language Materials - Based on the previous information collected and their own personal experiences, students will divide up the topics to be presented in Spanish and draft materials for Spanish-speaking visitors. more detail

3. Final Version! - Students will incorporate the feedback gleaned from the revision process and prepare a polished final version of the Spanish-language materials. more detail


1. Assessment Plan - The project will incorporate formative and summative assessments, often using rubrics that encourage self-assessment by learners in conjunction with the feedback from the instructor. more detail