Healthy Activities in All Weather by Sally Garneski

created on Jun 30, 2016 modified on Oct 03, 2016 08:07


First grade students studying the weather in their science classes will share data from their journals with the 8th grade students. Students in the 8th grade will exchange with a class in France the weather data, questions about weather, activities they engage in in various weathers, and how weather impacts their cultures. After a month of internet exchanges, and discussing differences in how weather impacts the activities and cultures of the two groups, the 8th grade students will create posters for the class in France sharing ideas for healthy lifestyle options in various weathers. The students will also share with the first grade Evergreen students what they learned about weather from their exchange. Additionally, they will share their project with the greater Evergreen community at the all-school Heritage night in April.

National Foreign Language Resource Center
June 30, 2016
Sally Garneski

Language: French

Subject Area(s): society, health, geography

Instructional Context

Product Target Culture:
The target culture is middle school students in a middle class suburb of Nantes, France.

Audience Location:
The primary audience will be located in a suburb of Nantes, France. The secondary audience will be located at the Evergreen School in Shoreline WA

Audience Role:
Students at College St-Blaise will complete questionnaires and participate in a Cultura type exchange about weather and activities with Evergreen School 8th grade French students. The Evergreen students final product will be created for and shared with the students from College St-Blaise. The product (posters) will also be shared with a passive audience of school community members on heritage night.

Product Description:
8th grade Evergreen students will create posters for their correspondent class in France, sharing ideas for healthy lifestyle options in various weathers. Students will incorporate the data and cultural information they have gathered in choosing appropriate messages and language for their posters.

Heritage Learners:

Target Audience Description:
Students in the corresponding class and their schoolmates (College St-Blaise, France). Also copies of the posters will be on display at the all-school (parents, students, relatives, neighborhood residents,etc) Heritage night celebration at the Evergreen School, Shoreline, WA, USA

Language Proficiency

ACTFL Scale:
3 4 5

World Readiness Standards


Lifelong Learning


School and Global

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

Cultural comparisons
Language comparisons

Making Connections
Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives


21st Century Skills

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Information Literacy

Life and Career Skills
Flexibility and adaptability
Initiative and Self-Direction
Social and Cross Cultural Skills

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness
Health Literacy

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Technology Literacy
Creativity and Innovation

Life and Career Skills
Leadership and responsibility
Productivity and Accountability

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Media Literacy

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. Initial Reflection and Brainstorming. - Students will reflect and brainstorm what they think they know about Seattle and French weather and how it does or does not affect students' activities and culture. more detail

2. Learning about our partner school - Students will view and complete activity sheet with information garnered from College St-Blaise web site. more detail

3. Vocabulary for understanding partners- formative assessment - Students will pass a formative assessment based on the vocabulary list compiled by the teacher from the students' activity sheets in task 2. more detail

Launching the Project

1. Entry event - Students will observe the entry event as a whole class. more detail

2. Research weather data - Students will use internet to find weather data for Shoreline WA and for Nantes, France, record, reflect and hypothesize. more detail

Managing the Project

1. Compiling questionnaire - Students will edit basic questionnaire prepared by teacher and send to partner school. more detail

2. Compiling a vocabulary list - As a scaffolding activity students will compile a vocabulary list of phrases they feel would be necessary or helpful. more detail

3. Schedule of responsibilities - Students will sign up for responsibilities for gathering data and corresponding with French students during the exchange. more detail

4. Using feedback from partner school - Students will review and use feedback from our partner school. more detail

5. Discuss and evaluate - Students will discuss and evaluate what they have learned over the course of the exchange more detail

6. Creating posters - Students will create posters promoting healthy lifestyle choices for all weather more detail


1. Final evaluation and assessments - The final task will be assessments including classmate and teacher assessments of the project outcome, and self-assessment of personal growth in knowledge, language, and project skills. more detail