Preserving the history of unknown voices by Ingrid Campos Montero

created on Nov 13, 2017 modified on Jan 17, 2018 06:22


This 10-week project is designed for SPAN 3117 Bridge Course class. This is a new program implemented in Utah for students that have passed the AP test. The majority of these students attended dual immersion schools. This class is an upper division college class taught on a high school campus. This unique course has the special feature of being co-taught by a college professor collaboratively with a high school teacher. The professor lectures once a week. The rest of the time students receive input from the high school teacher only. The class consists of 10th, 11th and 12th-grade learners with intermediate mid-high and advanced low proficiency levels. This is the first time that this course is taught so all curriculum is new.

The course meets 2-3 times per week for 90 minutes each class period in an A/B schedule. The course is divided into 4 units so the Bridge Course team plans to develop 4 projects. The class is called Breaking Down Walls, Building Identities and it is going to be taught in 6 different HS in Utah. Layton High School is in an urban (Layton, Utah) setting.This project will cover the first unit of the course.

Culturally, learners will engage in:


·  Finding out about other’s people life. They will interact with them during an interview. Learners will be able to interact using the target language, first to approach the person, then writing a formal email and later by interviewing.


·    Comparing and contrasting interviewee’s life and their own.


·   Creating a real magazine that will be donated to a local Museum.  


Major activities include:

·    To start with the unit: What is identity? Learners will visit the Family Research Center in Layton to analyze their genealogy. The goal of this activity would be to understand how we are all immigrants. There will be a discussion in class about their personal results. Are these results what they expected?.

·   Students will bring 3 objects that define their identity to work in a variety of communicative activities.

·         Create a formal letter/email to explain the project to the possible interviewee.

·         Interview a Spanish Speaking person, record and edit the interview


The outcome of the project will be a magazine with a collection of stories from people in the community that have a Spanish origin. The magazine will be donated to the Heritage Museum in Layton city and will be presented to Spanish learners in the district.

        Students will help preserve memories of Spanish speaking families to contribute to the history of the community. 

National Foreign Language Resource Center
Nov. 30, 2017
Chantal Esquivias, Fermín Soriano

Language: Spanish

Subject Area(s): family, communities, emigration/immigration, ethnic identity

Instructional Context

Product Description:
The final product will be a magazine with a collection of all the stories written by students. Also, we will like to organize an open house at the Heritage Museum to present the magazine. We would like as many Spanish speaking families to attend including those that were part of the magazine.

Heritage Learners:

Product Target Culture:
Spanish speaking families in the community

Language Proficiency

ACTFL Scale:
7 5 6

World Readiness Standards


Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives

School and Global
Lifelong Learning

Cultural comparisons

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives


Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

21st Century Skills

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Technology Literacy

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness

Life and Career Skills
Flexibility and adaptability
Social and Cross Cultural Skills
Productivity and Accountability
Leadership and responsibility

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Creativity and Innovation
Information Literacy
Media Literacy

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. Project idea development and connecting with project partner - Since this project is part of the class “Breaking down walls, building identities”, learners will write a magazine with personal stories of unknown people of the community with a Spanish Speaking background. more detail

2. Culturally Authentic Resources - A sentence that summarizes this task. more detail

Launching the Project

1. Entry event - Objects that identify me. Adopting objects from other cultures. more detail

Managing the Project

1. Presenting the project to the students - Students will brainstorm how to preserve family history more detail

2. Student´s own story - Students will interview their families more detail

3. Finding people with latin origin to interview - A sentence that summarizes this task. more detail

4. Contacting interviewees - Students will write a formal email more detail

5. The interview - Students will interview a person with a Spanish origin more detail

6. Story writing- final product - Students will write a short story to be part of a magazine more detail

7. Making-of video - Students will create a video of the making- of more detail


1. Feedback - A sentence that summarizes this task. more detail

2. Presentational assesstment - Students will be assessed in the presentational oral mode of communication more detail

3. Interpersonal writing assesstment - Formal email more detail

4. Interpretative assesstment - Reading comprehension task more detail