Developing an interview protocol

Students developed an interview protocol.

Task Description:

Students were divided into three groups. Each group was responsible to develop questions about three different phases: before moving to the US, right after moving to the US, and currently. Students were given freedom to explore any topics they judged to be relevant. Lastly, each group shared their questions with the others who gave them feedback.

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
2 60-minute meetings
Potential Hurdles:

Students without experience abroad may not know about obstacles when studying abroad. Pair them with others who already studied abroad. If very few have, more scaffolding is needed.



Local students interviewed international students.

Task Description:

In this step, six interviews were scheduled with six different international students coming from Portuguese-speaking countries. The first student interviewed was used a pilot-interview where students were able to discuss their approach and make the necessary adjustments to the questions and approach.

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
6 30-minute interviews


Data analysis

Students analyzed the data to identify common themes.

Task Description:

Students gathered their notes from the interviews to be analyzed. Common themes were identified and explored. Students selected the main points from each theme and wrote tips based on them.

Task Focus:
feedback and/or revision
Task Time:
2 60-minute meetings


Producing the brochure

Students designed the brochure.

Task Description:

Students gathered the tips they developed from the analysis to insert in the brochure they developed.

Task Focus:
