created on Dec 31, 2018 modified on Dec 31, 2018 08:14
Students are learning to talk about classes and subjects and their schedules. If just ask them to report their school life is a too simple task. I had students watched the Chinese youngsters movie "Young Style". Young Style is a Chinese film about a high schooler who, after failing his college entrance exam while distracted by his first love, is forced to repeat the year of gruelling preparation for the most intense exam of his life, and along the way learns some valuable lessons about life, study, friendship and responsibility. Through the movie students can find many places to compare to their own life, and imagine if they were a Chinese high school student, under the cultural environment described in the movie, what they would do to deal with the pressure or the obstacles the characters encountered in the movie.
1. How's the movie - Entry event: watch the movie "Young Style", and write about the movie on Discuss Board. more detail
1. What's the problem - According to the movie, what problem or obstacles that the Chinese high school students are facing daily? more detail
2. What culture is Chinese - From the movie, find some parts of the conversation which can represent Chinese culture. more detail
1. What would you do - Brainstorm a better solution for Chinese students. more detail