Entry event: watch the movie "Young Style", and write about the movie on Discuss Board.
After watching the movie, the students should have some personal thoughts. Ask the students to write about it on the Discussion Board, and also respond to at least two of their classmates, will broaden their thinking, and may spark some new ideas.
According to the movie, what problem or obstacles that the Chinese high school students are facing daily?
Students in pairs, think back to the movie, and discuss what problem or obstacles that the Chinese high school students are facing daily?
From the movie, find some parts of the conversation which can represent Chinese culture.
Some of the dialogues and thoughts on the movie are just the typical ways of Chinese. With a partner, list the Chinese cultural part described in the movie as many as you can.
Brainstorm a better solution for Chinese students.
Imagine If you were a Chinese high school student, what you would do while facing the problem of ….(from the previous list)? Explain why and how. When providing the solutions to a problem, you should also consider that you were under the Chinese cultural environment. Let's brainstorm a better solution for Chinese high school students.