Empowering Second Grade French Students to Become Global Citizens by Anne-Sophie Roure

created on Feb 01, 2019 modified on Feb 01, 2019 07:34


Kids Uniteda French musical group of six children was founded in 2000 to support UNICEF campaigns. The Kids United’ songs and accompanying videos, very popular among all French speaking students, proved to be great tools to motivate Second Grade French students to become Global Citizens and inspire their peers, all in French. The students will learn about the singers’ lives and personalities, using a variety of Comprehensible Input activities. They will gain some understanding about UNICEF, specifically focusing on Francophone countries in Africa where Kids United have documented their visits, and the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child, paying particular attention to food, water and education. Students will put together a video presentation with a game component that could be emailed or presented live to their peers, including French students from their school from grade 4thand up, French students from the Montclair FIAF (French Institute Alliance Française), students from a school in Bréville-le-Comte in France and students from UNIS (United International School), and inspire them to emerge as Global Citizens. 

National Foreign Language Resource Center
Feb. 1, 2019


Subject Area(s): communities, economy, education, ethics, family, food, friendship, geography, global challenges, health, language and literature, values

Instructional Context

not specified

Language Proficiency

not specified

World Readiness Standards

not specified

21st Century Skills

not specified

Project Sequence Overview