A Telecollaboration Project: Creating Study Abroad (SA) Pre-departure materials by Yizhe Huang

created on Oct 21, 2021 modified on Dec 27, 2021 12:32


As a Flagship Institute, a big group of students will go abroad in different programs in Taiwan at their second year for 2 months. The majority if not all senior students will choose to complete the capstone program in Taiwan at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Due to the cultural differences, differences in the education setting (curriculum, teacher-student relationship, teaching style, etc), and life adjustments, students find it is challenging to adjust to the new environment when they arrive at the site. While the Center for Global Engagement at UNG offers a pre-departure orientation to all the study abroad program participants, which covers basic information such as visa application, safety tips, and foreign currency exchange in general, it does not introduce how to maintain good interpersonal relationships and daily life needs. In this project, students will create a guide to help their peers who are going abroad to adjust to the new environment smoothly and quickly, with attention to culture, language, relationships, and daily life needs.

National Foreign Language Resource Center
Dec. 13, 2021

Language: Chinese

Subject Area(s): education, values, travel, national identity, language and literature, ethnic identity

Instructional Context

Heritage Learners:

Audience Role:
depends on the form of the end product, could be readers and/or viewers

Audience Location:
online or in a live event

Target Audience Description:
Peers who will study abroad in Taiwan

Language Proficiency

ILR Scale Reading:

ACTFL Scale:
4 5 6 7

ILR Scale Listening:
1 2

ILR Scale Reading:

ILR Scale Speaking:
2 3

ILR Scale Writing:
1 2

World Readiness Standards

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives


Language comparisons


Cultural comparisons

School and Global
Lifelong Learning

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives
Making Connections

21st Century Skills

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Technology Literacy

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness

Life and Career Skills
Productivity and Accountability
Social and Cross Cultural Skills
Initiative and Self-Direction
Flexibility and adaptability
Leadership and responsibility

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Media Literacy
Information Literacy
Creativity and Innovation

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. Entry event - Preparing for the Project more detail

Launching the Project

1. Doing research - A sentence that summarizes this task. more detail

2. Create and distribute a survey - A survey is used to collect information and background knowledge more detail

3. Interview online partners - Online partners will pair with language learners to help with content, language, and culture more detail

Managing the Project

1. Gallary Walk - Examine final product’s components more detail

2. Project Display - Present the final products at the initial stage and final stage. more detail


1. Self-evaluation - A self-evaluation is served as a tool for student to reflect on the progress and performance more detail

2. Peer evaluation - To ensure each participant is contributing to the group project, a peer evaluation is in use. more detail

3. Group Weekly Report - Each group is asked to fill out a weekly report more detail