Entry event

Preparing for the Project

Task Description:
1. Invite a returnee of SA to share an anecdote  in Chinese
2. Students brainstorm the final product, the table of content, the content of the survey for the Flagship (FS) cohort


3. Organize an ice-breaking orientation involving all the language partners (LPs), pair them up
Task Extension:

L2 Usage: read booklets/videos about in Chinese and English; survey in both languages

Technology Tips:

Tech in use: zoom, padlet, google doc


Doing research

A sentence that summarizes this task.

Task Description:


 Students read and/or listen to authentic materials pertaining to the daily life, interaction, culture of the SA country. Students then will research on clothing, food, accommodation and transport, and related cultural topics.


Task Extension:

Instructor needs to workshop literacy skills, in particular, reading & listening skills for students to comprehend authentic materials


Create and distribute a survey

A survey is used to collect information and background knowledge

Task Description:

A survey will be distributed to learn about students' SA experience, cultural and language preparation, and specifically, which topics are most interesting to them. The survey result will determine the topics and sections of the final product.


Task Extension:

The instructor needs to workshop learners' bilingual survey writing and analyzing skills; Instructor needs to workshop literacy skills, in particular, reading & listening skills for students to comprehend authentic materials; 


Technology Tips:

survey tool: google form



Interview online partners

Online partners will pair with language learners to help with content, language, and culture

Task Description:

The instructor will pair language learners with native speakers, and they will meet and discuss the aspects of content, language, and culture as to the final product(s). 

Task Focus:
Task Extension:

Interview skills (ask good questions, summarize and paraphrase in ENG & CHI, create consent form)

Technology Tips:

interview tools: consent form+zoom/ phone

recording tool: cellphone app, such as otter ai


Gallary Walk

Examine final product’s components

Task Description:

Form several groups to work on the content, graphic design, technology, and language, etc. Identify the team leader for each group, write down the expected goals, and each group bring up an action plan with a timeline;

Peer critique and then combine content and visual aids together (drafts, revisions);

Edit final product(s)

Task Focus:
Task Time:
4 weeks
Technology Tips:

google form, zoom, google doc/OneNote


Project Display

Present the final products at the initial stage and final stage.

Task Description:
1. Present the final product(s) in class: Bilingual SA Booklet, a series of short videos (1-2 mins, role-play), a website that compiles all the text and videos
2. Receive feedback from other groups, language partners, and the instructor. Revise accordingly.
3. Present the final products at the Flagship Day event at the end of April. 


4. Publish the final products  on the UNG website if the program and CGE approves 
Task Focus:



A self-evaluation is served as a tool for student to reflect on the progress and performance

Task Description:

To make sure each student is on track, they can use a self-checklist to assess their progress. A sample is provided below:


Excellent5 好极了

Great3 不错

Need more work 1进步中













Task Focus:


Peer evaluation

To ensure each participant is contributing to the group project, a peer evaluation is in use.

Task Description:

Example 1. Describe how to get to your hotel/dorm from the Airport transportation in Taiwan. Describe the type of transportation, the fare, contact information, the number of passengers allowed. The language needed for taking that transportation.

a.     Partner #1 (one of your classmates) Signature and Date ________________________________

b.     Partner #2 (one of your LPs) Signature and Date ________________________________

c.     Partner #3 (one of your Tutors) Signature and Date ________________________________


d.     Grader #1 Name of Student You Listened for ____________________

e.     Grader #2 Name of Student You Listened for ____________________


*Remember to give feedback, at least one positive comment and one recommendation

Task Focus:
feedback and/or revision
Technology Tips:

zoom, google doc


Group Weekly Report

Each group is asked to fill out a weekly report

Task Description:

Team Name and Members:___________

Today’s Date:_____________


Completed Tasks (summarize in one paragraph in Chinese)


Plan for Next Week (a list of to-do tasks in Chinese)




Please include one sentence of introduction with a link to the attachment of learning evidence to this column.



Questions & Comments (in Chinese or English)

Task Focus:
Technology Tips:

 google doc is used for collecting member's notes and report
