MAPATX: Promoting Self-Sufficiency Among Portuguese-Speaking Refugees in Austin by Mariana Sabino

created on Nov 02, 2021 modified on Dec 10, 2021 08:35


Texas is a border state that receives immigrants and refugees from all over the world. Many Haitians who lived in Brazil and Angolan asylum seekers are now in Austin looking for shelter and support services, yet most resources are in Spanish. Just the same, Portuguese speakers need information about the city's resources and have specific needs. Therefore, students in my Portuguese for Spanish speakers class created an interactive map that highlights the most important city resources, including health, education, food, free activities, and housing. In the map, they will review volunteer clinics, churches, food banks, public libraries, etc.


National Foreign Language Resource Center
Nov. 2, 2021
Jasmine Aquines, Chande Blurton, Marla Esparza, Nicole Casaca, Karla Fernandez, Julian Gonzalez, Marta Maia, Oriana Pineda, Osvaldo Salinas, Jorge Wunch

Language: Portuguese

Subject Area(s): emigration/immigration, global challenges, health, lifestyles, social networks, design, communities

Instructional Context

Product Description:
Students created a map using to inform refugees and asylum seekers about the most important resources in Austin.

Product Target Culture:
Angolan refugees and Haitian immigrants who have lived in Brazil before migrating to the United States.

Heritage Learners:

Target Audience Description:
This project was designed for Portuguese and Spanish heritage speakers and advanced Spanish learners who are learning Portuguese in an accelerated introductory course. By the end of the course, their oral proficiency will be mid-intermediate to advanced-low.

Audience Location:
Casa Marianella and Cultura Brasil Austin

Language Proficiency

ILR Scale Speaking:
2 1

ILR Scale Reading:
4 3

ILR Scale Listening:
4 3

ILR Scale Writing:
2 1

ACTFL Scale:
8 5 2

World Readiness Standards

not specified

21st Century Skills

Interdisciplinary Themes
Civic Literacy
Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy

Life and Career Skills
Leadership and responsibility
Productivity and Accountability
Social and Cross Cultural Skills
Initiative and Self-Direction
Flexibility and adaptability

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Technology Literacy
Media Literacy
Information Literacy
Creativity and Innovation

Interdisciplinary Themes
Global Awareness

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. The refugee crisis: origin and consequences - Students had mock interviews with a partner and spoke about the current refugee crisis. more detail

Launching the Project

1. Entry event: who do we work for? - Students visited Casa Marianella, a group of shelters designed as transitional spaces to help immigrants resolve their immediate crisis more detail

Managing the Project

1. Immigrants and Refugee's Interviews - Students interviewed refugees from Casa Marianella and immigrants from Cultura Brasil Austin. more detail


1. Partner's feedback - Students presented their progress to our partner's representatives and the Portuguese Flagship's director to receive feedback. more detail