The ABCs of Social Justice: creating a bilingual book to help foster literacy skills, critical thinking, and individual engagement in young adults who speak English and/or Portuguese. by Ana Paula Lopez

created on Nov 02, 2021 modified on Feb 09, 2022 04:43


Alphabet e-book on social justice movements (individual and group movements) that seek to change their communities' reality in the US and in Brazil.

National Foreign Language Resource Center
Feb. 1, 2022
Carolina Vianini Amaral Lima

Language: Portuguese

Subject Area(s): education, global challenges, language and literature

Instructional Context

not specified

Language Proficiency

not specified

World Readiness Standards

not specified

21st Century Skills

not specified

Project Sequence Overview

Preparing for the Project

1. Raising awareness - Discussion on what the importance of social projects is. more detail

2. Teletandem - Getting to know colleagues and figuring out project partners. more detail

3. Reading and analyzing peer's previous work - Getting to know what has been done by other more detail

Launching the Project

1. Visualizing our final product - Discussing the project's purpose and relevance more detail

2. Organizing the group work - Diving groups per letter from the alphabet more detail

Managing the Project

1. Google Classroom - Creating a virtual class environment more detail

2. Individual reports - Students' individual reports on the main phases of the project more detail

3. Book's progress - kanban board - A tool to organize and keep everyone's work on track more detail

4. Book's rules and brainstorm - Students cocreated the rules more detail

5. Community interviews - recording, editing and publishing - conducting interviews that were the base of students' final texts to the book more detail

6. Editing, illustrating, designing layout, and publishing - A sentence that summarizes this task. more detail

7. Effective writing - Working on creative writing skills more detail

8. Writing, feedback, and revising - Students need to share their texts with the instructor to receive constant feedback. more detail


1. Students' assessment - Use of different assessment types more detail

2. Final product assessment - Assessing students' group work more detail