Getting to know the Spanish speaking community at Everett Community College

A Project Prototype by Sarah Willoughby

not published

The students will become familiar with the Spanish speaking population of our college through exporation of the cultural context including examination of culturally authenic texts and interviews with native speakers. 

Overview files comments

Preparing for the Project

Tasks not specified.

Launching the Project

Entry Event - Mini-interview model

Explora la pregunta

Managing the Project

Investigar & Analizar

Entrevista (Part 1)

Entrevista (Part 2)

Entrevista (Part 3)

Entrevista (Part 4)




Implementation Info

Implementation information not specified.

Preparing for the Project

Launching the Project

Entry Event - Mini-interview model

Instructor will model a mini interview with a local native speaker to create curiosity among the students and model interview structure and sample content. Students will be asked several questions about their comphrehension of the video and listening methods. They will be asked to produce one question that they would like to ask me or the interviewee. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

The interview will be conducted over Skype and recorded with Evaer in order to model the most common method that students will use to meet with each other and their interviewees as a part of this project. 

Potential Hurdles:

It is possible that some students will struggle with understanding the conversation, but it will be a good opportinity to practice listening strategies that can be employed during the rest of the project process. 

Explora la pregunta

The instructor will guide an exploratory discussion about the Spanish speaking population of the college. The questions we will ask ourselves are 1) what do we know about the Spanish speaking population of Everett Community College?, 2) what do we want to know?, and 3) how might we go about getting to know the Spanish speaking community better? 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Task Extension:

We will revisit this discussion in later stages of the project in order to determine if 1) we have found answers for the original question and 2) if new questions are necesary. 

Technology Tips:

Instructor will lead this discussion within the CMS. 

Managing the Project

Investigar & Analizar

Students will find a "text" that they will use to try to answer one of the questions posed during the "Explora la pregunta" phase of the project. They will create two written pieces as a part of this activity. They will write an annotated bibliography of their chosen "text" and a synthesis or reflection about what the information tells us about the Spanish speaking community of our college.  


Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

The instructor will provide a list of possible "text" and students will be welcome to find and use texts that they are able to find. The instructor provided list will include links to articles, video clips, documentaries, websites, music videos, etc. 

Entrevista (Part 1)

Students will connect with a Spanish speaker that has some connection to our college. They will ask them to agree to an interview and set up a time, date and mode for the conversation. They will ask their interviewee where they are from or the country that they most identify with in the case of heritage speakers. Students will do some preliminary reserach into their interviewee's country of origin using specific guiding questions provided by the instructor. They will then write a discussion post that tells their classmates 1) who they are going to interview and 2) where their interviewee is from and some basic information about that country including the population size of that nationality within our city/state/country. 

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

Students will contact their interviewee in person or by email. They will likely perform their research about the country of origin online and post to the discussion within the CMS. 

Potential Hurdles:



Entrevista (Part 2)

Students will work collaboratively with their classmates to draft a list of 10 questions to use for their interview. The instructor will guide the creation of the questions by asking for question that fall into categories based on specific aspects of ethnic identity. Some specific aspects might include language, family life, school and a cultural artifact that they identify with their home country (or the country with which they identify). Students will self-sort into groups based on the question that they provide by use of a graphic organizer provided by the instructor.  

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

Students and instructor will work on the questions within a discussion on the CMS. 

Entrevista (Part 3)

Students will meet with their interviewee on person or on Skype at the arranged time. Students will engage in conversation with their interviewee using the questions created by the class. Students will record the conversation and post it to a discussion in the CMS

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

Students have the option of meeting their interviewee on Skype. In order to record their conversation, they will use Evaer or other similiar screen capture software. 

Potential Hurdles:

Students may have trouble making and posting the recording although it is a task that they will have practiced many times before this assignment. 

Entrevista (Part 4)

Students will write a short description (in L2) about their experience. The instructor will provide language scaffolding for the L2 reflection. They will solicit help with areas of difficultly in their recorded interview. The help requests will be in L1 or L2 and can seek clarification in regards to language or cultural content/context.  

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Technology Tips:

Students will watch the videos within the CMS and post reflections, questions and answers within the discussion. 


Student will create a product (infographic, student spotlight, etc.) that helps the campus community get to know the Spanish speaking members of the community. This process will be largely student-led, but the instructor will facilitate a discussion during week 6 (midterm week) to help students come to an agreement about the form of the product and the areas of strengths of the students. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
2 weeks
Task Extension:

The product will be shared widely accross campus and their may be channels for distrubution that I have not thought of yet. 

Technology Tips:

The instructor will provide a list of tech tools that students can use to create the final product. This list will take the form of a Wiki that students can add to. 

Potential Hurdles:

It may be difficult to come to a consensus in an online format and the process will depend on the students taking creative initiative. 



Reflection of elements of project including language learning and interculturality. The instructor will provide scaffolding for the reflective piece that may be private (shared from student to instructor) or public (open to the entire class). 

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week

Implementation Info

