Healthy Activities in All Weather

A Project Prototype by Sally Garneski

published on Jun 30, 2016

First grade students studying the weather in their science classes will share data from their journals with the 8th grade students. Students in the 8th grade will exchange with a class in France the weather data, questions about weather, activities they engage in in various weathers, and how weather impacts their cultures. After a month of internet exchanges, and discussing differences in how weather impacts the activities and cultures of the two groups, the 8th grade students will create posters for the class in France sharing ideas for healthy lifestyle options in various weathers. The students will also share with the first grade Evergreen students what they learned about weather from their exchange. Additionally, they will share their project with the greater Evergreen community at the all-school Heritage night in April.

Overview files comments

Preparing for the Project

Initial Reflection and Brainstorming.

Learning about our partner school

Vocabulary for understanding partners- formative assessment

Launching the Project

Entry event

Research weather data

Managing the Project

Compiling questionnaire

Compiling a vocabulary list

Schedule of responsibilities

Using feedback from partner school

Discuss and evaluate

Creating posters


Final evaluation and assessments

Implementation Info

Implementation information not specified.

Preparing for the Project

Initial Reflection and Brainstorming.

Students will reflect on their personal experiences and how their activity choices and culture have been shaped or affected by weather. They will share with the work group and will also share what they think they already know about student activities in France. They will hypothesize about how they think these might be shaped or limited by the local weather. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes

Learning about our partner school

Students will view the College St-Blaise web site in pairs and complete a data\activity sheet documenting their understanding and reaction to the pictures and information on the web site. The data\activity sheet will require them to identify and record vocabulary that is new and unclear, in addition to their reactions and thoughts on similarities and differences between the French school and their own. Copies of the sheet will be turned in to the teacher for review and later returned to become part of the project journal. 

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes
Technology Tips:

Vocabulary for understanding partners- formative assessment

After participating in practice activities and vocabulary review games, students will pass a written vocabulary quiz on the vocabulary generated from student activity sheets in task 2.  

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
2 hours including practice and assessment

Launching the Project

Entry event

Students will watch the entry event videos as a whole group. The videos will be one of a downpour/flash flood in France, and one of a downpour/flash flood in the U.S.

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes to watch and discuss videos
Technology Tips:

Research weather data

Students will research weather data on the internet in pairs. They will use a data organizer to record their findings. The data organizer will become part of their project journal. Students will then reconvene with the larger group, share findings, and hypothesize what similarities and differences they think they may find when they poll their correspondants. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Time:
90 minutes (45 minutes each sub task)

Managing the Project

Compiling questionnaire

Students will review, discuss and edit the questionnaire prepared by the teacher. The questionnaire will be in English for the partner school English language students to answer.

Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes
Technology Tips:

Students will use Google doc for the questionnaire. 

Compiling a vocabulary list

Students and teacher will compile a list of weather and activity related expressions is the target language that they believe would be helpful for the exchange. They will ask the partner class for feedback on the expressions to find out if the expressions are really ones that native speakers use before memorizing  or using them.

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes

Schedule of responsibilities

Students will create a schedule of responsibilities for the exchange (securing data, selecting information, inputting data to the shared documents, etc.) 

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 miutes
Technology Tips:

Schedule will be created on a Google doc that is shared with teacher and class members.

Using feedback from partner school

A time will be set aside during class each day to review and process feedback received from our partner school. Students keep an individual project diary and will discuss the new data in the target language with classmates. 

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
10 minutes per class period for duration
Task Extension:

Creation of a vocabulary bank from exchange including unfamiliar vocabulary or vocabulary that differs from what they learned in their text books. 

Potential Hurdles:

Time constraints. 

Discuss and evaluate

At the end of the monthly exchange, students will discuss and evaluate what they have learned from the exchange and how their pre-exchange ideas have been confirmed or changed. Based on their new knowledge and understanding, students will brainstorm ideas for messages for the poster portion of the project. 

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes

Creating posters

With help from Big Lab staff and facilities, students will create posters to be shared with partner school and at our all school culture night event. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
2 class periods


Final evaluation and assessments

Students will use the benchmarks for the project and due dates, Can do's for the unit, vocabulary test results, and rubrics and self-assessment guide sheets to inform their self-assessments. The teacher will use observation notes, test results, can do's and rubrics for input in assessments. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
2 class periods

Implementation Info

