The American and Chinese college students will collaborate and generate ideas to meet the goal of green campus announced by the Chinese government in 2013. The goal of green campus can be achieved in three ways, socially (awareness and advocacy), ecologically (creating a green environment), and economically (cultivating entrepreneurial spirit).
This 8-week project was designed for Chinese 305 learners with Intermediate-Mid to High proficiency. The learners are enrolled in a regular Chinese program at University of Rhode Island in a suburban setting. The course meets 3 times per week for 50 minutes each class period.
Learners will create an action plan in collaboration with an environmentally-focused student club at the Honghe University located in Yunnan, China in order to create an eco-friendly college campus.
Academically, learners will engage in sustained inquiry about environmental sustainability in three ways (socially, ecologically, and economically) in college campus in China and the U.S. based on data and the learners’ interests. As the project unfolds, learners will use the target language to collaborate and find creative ways to generate ideas about creating a healthier, more fertile, and happier community using an action plan.
Culturally, learners will engage in:
observing campuses in China and the U.S. and examples of green campuses while interacting with the students at the Honghe University (partner university in Yunnan, China) and members of an student club (named West Oasis) focusing on environmental protection at the Honghe University,
comparing and contrasting the differences between the home campus (U.S.) and the foreign campus (China) and a traditional campus and an eco-friendly campus, and critically interpreting how to achieve the goal of green campus in three ways, socially (awareness and advocacy), ecologically (creating a green environment), and economically (cultivating entrepreneurial spirit).
Major activities include:
Research and reading reports (what’s a green campus? what makes a green campus? why is a green campus), survey on carbon footprint,
Interviews with the President of West Oasis, advisor, and members of the club
Write up an action plan and present to the partner university to be considered
The outcome of the project will be an action plan, which will be shared with students at the Honghe University through a website to fulfill the goal of building a green campus.
Participate on a campus event: Jane Goodall's Talk "Origins: Life, Universe, and Everything"
Carbon Footprint Interview with the members of the "West Oasis" club
Interview with the President of "West Oasis"
Team Roles and Their Performance Criteria
Final Product Presentation
Implementation information not specified.
Talk is live or can be watched online here.
In-Class Storytelling and Follow-Up Discussions here.
(p.s. had trouble inserting images.)
1. Interview Prep: Make a vocab list and interview peers (among the American students)
2. Interview Report: Interview the members of the "West Oasis" club
Goal: Calculate the Carbon Footprint and Summarize the results.
On WeChat, your sub-group, “...CF 访谈”, in Chinese ask each other questions (or type) to complete the Carbon Footprint Calculator (1. 住宅、2. 交通、3. 生活、4. 绿色习惯). Use your question pool as a reference.
Fill in your partner’s answers, take screenshots (4 in total), and create TWO slides to record the interview results after wechatting your partner.
Slide 1: 4 screenshots
Slide 2: Add up the numbers from the four aspects, and fill in:
一年排放CO2: ???? (吨)
全球气温会因此升高 ???? (摄氏度/年)
除去世界人均森林,您1年排放的CO2还需 ???? 棵树用10年来抵偿!
Complete the interview and slides by Sun 5 pm.
3. Enter the data and analyze the interview results here.
Goal: Understand what the president said regarding the questions you asked and improve your listening.
Create 2-3 Slides
Slide 1: Go to your part in the video and transcribe her answers into Chinese. See the next slide for your part.
Slide 2: List 5-8 words you have learned in your part or other parts
Slide 3: List follow-up questions (if any)
Complete the self-reflection AFTER YOU HAVE CREATED YOUR SLIDES here. You can see the content of the self reflection in the Slide 5, but please submit your responses via the google form.
1. 你们觉得在校园里面,关于guan1yu2, about提倡ti2chang4, advocate环保,宣传xuan1chuan2, promote环保的最好方式fang1shi4, way是什么?
2. 你认为在你平常生活中,做的哪些事情是关于环保的?
Work allocation slides here.
Present an action plan published on a website here (under construction).