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  • Plenary talks by Nikolaus Himmelmann (University of Münster), Leanne Hinton (UC Berkeley), Paul Newman (Indiana University & University of Michigan), and Phil Cash Cash (University of Arizona)
  • Invited colloquium on "Teaching and Learning Less Commonly Taught Languages" (Colloquium organizer - Richard Schmidt, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
  • Invited colloquium on "Graduate Students and Language Documentation" (Colloquium organizer - University of Hawaii Language Documentation Training Center)
  • Opening reception (Thursday evening) - Join us for light hors d'oeuvres, drinks, entertainment, and welcoming speeches.
  • Friday evening social reception - Socialize with fellow presenters and attendees. Enjoy a delicious array of appetizers and beverages and live Hawaiian entertainment.
  • Optional post-conference excursion to Hilo on the Big Island, focusing on the Hawaiian language revitalization program (NOTE: For those unfamiliar with Hawai‘i, the conference will be in Honolulu on the island of O‘ahu.  The excursion will be in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Those planning to attend the optional excursion will need to arrange their interisland flight to and their hotel in Hilo, in addition to their flight to and lodging in Honolulu.)

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