Study Abroad in China: Are you Ready?

A Project Prototype by Zhang Jie

published on Oct 29, 2017

Most of our students in the Chinese program at the University of Oklahoma study abroad in a Chinese university during their second, third, or fourth years. While study abroad is often an exciting experience for students, it could cause apprehension and uncertainty especially before departure. There are several factors to this. For one, Chinese college life is quite different from that in America. For the other, there are many cultural differences, academic challenges, and life adjustments that students need to face while studying abroad. The purpose of this project is to have students survey and research about study abroad experiences and develop a brochere for future study abroad students so they can be better prepared for this exciting experience. Students are motivated to work on the project because many of them have studied abroad or will study abroad soon. The project is a meaningful one because it has the students in the Chinese program as the real audience.  

Overview files comments

Preparing for the Project

College life in China

Launching the Project


Online Research

Design Group Webpage

Presentation Day

Managing the Project

Team Distribution Form

Team Composition


Project Rubrics

Implementation Info

Implementation underway

Preparing for the Project

College life in China

The comic book is called: 



The book has 9 sets of pictures. The following classroom activities are designed:



  1. Carrousel Walk: Students walk around and read the pages to guess what this text is.

  2. I see. I think. I reflect: Each student picks a picture from the wall. Walk around and do “I see. I think. I reflect”.
  3. Spot the differences: Each student circle a difference he/she notices between college life in China and that at OU. Share their observations.


Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
50 minutes
Task Extension:

1. After the activities, generate a concept map on the board. Discuss as class what are the differences they observe between Chinese and American college life.

2. Each student picks an aspect of college life and prepare interview questions based on that aspect.

3. Discuss what questions you would like to ask a Chinese student.




Technology Tips:

No technology is needed. The comic book pages need to be printed out with color. The pages are hung on the wall of the classroom so students can walk around and read.  

Potential Hurdles:


Launching the Project


First, decide as a group which aspect of studying abroad your group will work on. Write interview questions in Chinese. Second, contact interviewees and interview at least two students who have studied abroad in China about their experience in China with regard to your group's choice of topic. 






Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
1 week
Task Extension:

Team composition:

1)    One Chinese expert (self-nominated and teacher-nominated)

2)    One technology expert (e.g. computer science, media production, etc.)

3)    One content expert (e.g. business, social studies, any content areas, etc.)

4)    One interview expert (e.g. journalism, mass media, human relations, etc.)

Technology Tips:


Potential Hurdles:

The potential hurdle would be students having trouble finding interviewees. I will provide a list of contacts who have studied abroad in China and are willing to be interviewed. 

Online Research

Based on their findings from the interviews, students need to conduct research online about foreigners' study abroad experience in China and the resources that would benefit study abroad students. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
one week
Task Extension:

Note-taking; synthesizing information; 

Technology Tips:

Recommend useful websites and resources to students. 

Design Group Webpage

The instructor sets up a Google Site. Each group is responsible for designing a webpage focusing on their chosen topic. The webpage should include detailed tips and resources for study abroad in China. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
one week
Task Extension:

The webpages will be reviewed by the instructor and peer reviewed by the class to ensure the language is accurate and the content is clear. 

Technology Tips:

Students will work closely with their group members in designing the webpage. 

Potential Hurdles:

Students may encounter technological difficulties in designing the webpage. They may have difficulty in using copyright pictures for their webpage. They may need help in writing up the content. 

Presentation Day

Present to the class the webpage your group designed. If circumstances allow, present to a group of students who are interested in studying abroad in China. Share the URL of the website with students enrolled in the Chinese program, and post it on the program Facebook page as well as the Chinese Language Club Facebook page.    

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
feedback and/or revision
Task Time:
1 week

Managing the Project

Team Distribution Form

成员分工[Team distribution]



Who did what. 

Task 1



Task 2

Online Research


Task 3

Webpage Design


Task 4

Webpage Revision


Task 5



Task 6

Fill out the labor distribution form



Team Composition

Team composition:

1)    One Chinese expert (self-nominated and teacher-nominated)

2)    One technology expert (e.g. computer science, media production, etc.)

3)    One content expert (e.g. business, social studies, any content areas, etc.)

4)    One interview expert (e.g. journalism, mass media, human relations, etc.)


Task Time:
10 minutes


Project Rubrics

Project Rubrics



Does not Meet Standards

Approaching Standards

Meeting Standards


Webpage design  

-The information presented on your webpage is minimal. It covers only a few essential elements of your chosen topic.

- The language is problematic with frequent errors that to some extent impede comprehension.

-The design of your webpage is minimal. It uses some images to illustrate the issue.


-The information presented on your webpage is adequate. It covers most essential elements of your chosen topic.

- The language is mostly correct and appropriate, with some grammar errors that occasionally impede comprehension.

-The design of your webpage is good. It has an adequate combination of language and images.


-The information presented on your webpage is sufficient. It covers all essential elements of your chosen topic.

- The language is appropriate, with few grammar errors that do not impede comprehension.

-The design of your webpage is appealing. It has a good combination of language and images.









Oral presentation

-Your presentation covers some of the essential elements of your chosen topic.

-The language used in the presentation is not quite comprehensible. It lacks in fluency and preparedness.

-The presentation does not show team collaboration. Only a few team members get to present the project.


-Your presentation covers most essential elements of your chosen topic.

-The language used in the presentation is for the most part comprehensible. It shows fair fluency and some preparedness.

-The presentation shows adequate team collaboration. Most team members get to present the project.

-Your presentation covers all essential elements of your chosen topic.

-The language used in the presentation is appropriate and comprehensible. It shows good fluency and well-preparedness.

-The presentation shows good team collaboration. Every team members get to present part of the project.












Team distribution

-Only a few team members get to work on the tasks.

-Only a few team members get to contribute their expertise to the tasks.

-Most of the team members get to work on several tasks.

-Most of the team members get to contribute their expertise to the tasks.

-Each member of the team gets to work on most of the tasks.

-Each member gets to contribute their individual expertise to the tasks. 












Implementation Info

Implementation underway

I launched the project with my fourth-semester Chinese Listening and Speaking class in mid-October. The project is currently underway. We have three groups, each of which chose to focus on Preparation before department, diet and nutrition, and entertainment while studying abroad in China. I've set up a google site for students to post their webpages. The groups are completing their interview tasks this week. The final presentation day is set on November 13th. So updates are coming soon! Thanks! 

