A Project Prototype by Romina Castagno

published on Dec 8, 2018

A real-world problem nowadays is bullying and discrimination inside and outside classrooms where students hurt themselves physically and emotionally. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of how discrimination may exclude students and affect future inclusion into the society and to also reduce any type of discrimination among children and in society by accepting and helping each other. We can all contribute to a more communicative and friendly society by learning correct manners and expressions that we need to address ourselves to others.

Overview files comments

Preparing for the Project

Levitalizing stick

3x3 Cubes solution

Watch where you step

Launching the Project

Things that are wrong and I can fix

How did I treat everybody?

Managing the Project

I am part of the solution

Can I help with anything?

Airplanes in the classroom


The Way I Can Help

Implementation Info

Implementation information not specified.

Preparing for the Project

Levitalizing stick

1-Form groups of no more than 10 students or as much as the class is if it is a small group.
2-Make two lines, students facing each other.
3-Give a stick, long enough to be held from the first to the last student on the lines.
4-Ask the students in both lines to put their hands at their chest level, fist closed and the pointer finger straight.
5-They will all hold the stick and coordinate to take it down to the floor without dropping it.
6-If anybody misses it, they start again.
7-They have to guide each other on what to do.
8-Carry out this same activity twice. The first time, the students will be talking in Spanish, but the second time, they will be talking in English. Make sure to record both.

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time

3x3 Cubes solution

1-The teacher divides the class into small groups of three.

2-The students choose one peer to move the cubes without speaking.

3-The other two students will be giving directions on how to move the cube without touching it.

4-Each group will get a sheet of paper with useful words and expressions that must be used in English.

5-Carry out the same game in Spanish first and then in English. Remember to record both versions.


Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time

Watch where you step

At least two at a time, each person on your team must make their way from start to finish blindfolded. They cannot step outside of the boundary, nor can they step on a mine. If they do, they are frozen. They can only be unfrozen if someone else inside the shape steps on a squeak toy. Their only guidance is the vocal commands of those outside the shape who are not blindfolded.

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time

Launching the Project

Things that are wrong and I can fix

1-Divide the students into small groups.

2-Take the students outdoors and to observe bad things they would like to change. For example, dirty public places, old people in need of help, etc.

3-Ask each group to create a small flyer/poster illustrating those problems but also proposing possible solutions. 

4-Create a poster session in which the first half of the class present while the rest walk around listening and choosing their favorite points and then they all switch.

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time

How did I treat everybody?

1-Show the first video to the students without sound.

2-Show the second video to the students also without sound.

3-Ask the students to talk in groups and analyze what they noticed in the videos by focusing on what words and actions they used to refer to others. Also, ask the learners to analyze if they treat the opposite genre any differently.

4-Create a chart that says "I like it a lot", "I like it a little", I like it somewhat", I do not like it". Ask the students to share if they liked the videos or not and discuss what would they change.

5-Plan a visit to another class for an hour. 

6-Ask the students to observe and pay attention to the way other students treat each other in a different class. 

7-Go back to the class and, in groups, write/think of three points that can be mentioned related to discrimination, behavior, bullying, etc.

8-Show the students the following video: click here

9-Ask the students to discuss in the same groups than before what differences are found between what happens in this video and in the previous ones. 

Task Type:
driving question
Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time

Managing the Project

I am part of the solution

1-Take the students outdoors to perform, at least, three good actions by helping somebody or working on something they consider is wrong or bad.

2-The teacher has to record those actions with the help of the students.

3-The teacher and the students will then work together to edit and compile the videos and add music when needed.

Task Focus:
Task Time:
No specific time
Technology Tips:

You may need a cell phone or camera to record a video, plus a computer to edit videos.

Can I help with anything?

1-Show a short video to the students so they can observe and imagine actions they could eventually perform within the community, without the need of money or big efforts, but which will cause a big impact on somebody's else life.

Task Type:
Task Focus:

Airplanes in the classroom

1-Give students a piece of paper, one per student.

2-Ask the students to choose any place around the school they will feel comfortable writing.

3-Give 15 minutes to write on the piece of paper what things they do not like others tell them or do to them. This is an anonymous message, so students cannot sit next to anybody else.

4-Once everybody is back in the classroom, teach the students how to make a small airplane with the same piece of paper.

5-Airplanes can start flying around the classroom once the teacher says "start". When the teacher says "stop", everybody has to get one airplane. One by one everybody will read the message written on the paper they got. Students do NOT have to say who they think wrote it or make any comment about it. In fact, students just need to acknowledge there is a person who is feeling bad about certain actions and they all have to work to make things better.

Task Type:
Task Focus:


The Way I Can Help

1-Take the students outside to act in a helpful way with short and individual helpful actions.

2-Provide students with examples of actions they could perform.

3-Let each student help another person in the community or carry out a helpful action of any kind.

4-After actions are completed, ask the students to get in groups and reflect orally on things they consider wrong around them but that could be improved with the community help. Students have to focus on identifying wrong behavior and analyze causes and consequences.

5-Ask the students to write a short individual reflection describing what they did, why, and what made that action rewarding for them. Students are expected to use accurate words and sentence structures.

6-Record a short video in which students, individually or in small groups, send a message to the community to sustain positive actions.

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:

Implementation Info

