Machu Chicos Children's Menus

A Project Prototype by Laura Sexton

not published

There could be so much more to the children´s menu than chicken strips! To encourage younger diners to try new foods, Spanish I students will sample different dishes available at the local Peruvian restaurant, Machu Picchu, and make a menu of the best picks for kids. They will then create interactive placemat menus for young diners--in Spanish and English--to learn through play while they wait for their food! Machu Picchu restaurant staff will select the best menu among all of the classes for publishing and distribution at their restaurants.

Overview files comments

Preparing for the Project

Permission Forms

Platos Peruanos discussion

Ingredients notes

Actively Learn - Lomo Saltado Recipe

Launching the Project

Sample Buffet

Waiter Interview Videos

Managing the Project

Activity Collage Notes


Reading AAPPL

Listening AAPPL

Implementation Info

Implementation information not specified.

Preparing for the Project

Permission Forms

Announce upcoming sample buffet, amount needed to collect from each student ($3-$5) to offset food costs and/or bus expenses. Set deadlines for returning form, money, allergy list. Establish purpose of the project.

Task Type:
driving question
Task Time:
15 minutes
Potential Hurdles:

Students need money (can be covered if few enough), parents not home, forgetting/losing forms

Platos Peruanos discussion

Make observations about regional influences on dishes, beverages, ingredients from infograph.

Discuss in groups which dishes members do and don't want to try.

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
30 minutes
Task Extension:

Compare popular dishes to Machu Picchu menu

Technology Tips:

Copy Pinterest image into Google Slides presentation including question and answer stems, i.e. "Do you want to try...?" "It looks tasty!" "It looks gross!" "I (don't) like..."

Potential Hurdles:

Side conversations, frustration over pronunciation

Ingredients notes

Have students guess ingredients in cebiche, lomo saltado, ají de gallina, and causa and write correct ingredients in color coded flaps with dish names.

Lists here.


Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
30 minutes
Task Extension:

Discuss whether or not students still want to try the dishes

Discuss "makis"--different sushi flavors they could try

Actively Learn - Lomo Saltado Recipe

Interpret key preparation information and vocabulary, compare cognates and loan words as well as measurements

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
30 minutes
Task Extension:

Compare lomo saltado to local dishes and their preparation

Technology Tips:

Students will need devices. Phones can work in a pinch, but laptops/chromebooks are preferable

Potential Hurdles:

Disengagement, frustration with unfamiliar vocabulary, random guessing, copying each other without actually engaging with the tet

Launching the Project

Sample Buffet

Each student gets a small portion of several different dishes ordered from the restaurant and makes a note of their response to each on a form in Spanish, including how much they like it, how much a typical child 10 or under would like it, ingredients they noticed, and questions they might need to ask.

Task Focus:
Task Time:
60 minutes
Task Extension:

Have students discuss what they do and don't like with classmates, what they do and don't want to include on the menu, what they want to know.

Technology Tips:

Could use Google Forms of easy collection.

Potential Hurdles:

Getting to the restaurant, getting food to the class, running out before 4th period, collecting money for the food.

Waiter Interview Videos

Small groups collaborate on a T-chart with the columns "Usar" and "No usar" to track at least five items they want to include in their menu and at least 5 items they might want to avoid.

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
60 minutes
Task Extension:

Discuss what to include and what not to include

Technology Tips:

Students will need headphones and at least one device per pair

Potential Hurdles:

Lack of headphones/devices, wifi

Managing the Project

Activity Collage Notes

Give each group several copies of different examples of children's activity placemats from local restaurants. Provide basic descriptions of each type of activity in Spanish and have them create a collage of examples in their notebooks.

Task Type:
need to know
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes
Task Extension:

Groups discuss which activities they like and don't like, want to include/don't want to include.

Technology Tips:

Have students follow along with Google Slides/Powerpoint/Keynote

Potential Hurdles:

Insufficient vocabulary to express reasoning

Time/enough copies/examples for placemats


Reading AAPPL

Novice picture matching questions: "Cebiche peruano, la receta original"

Intermediate title matching questions:  "7 juegos populares para jugar con lápiz y papel"

Advanced multiple choice questions: "Historia de la comida peruana"

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes
Technology Tips:

Laptop or Chromebook needed for each student, must demonstrate how to zoom in and zoom out on Google Slides and move each type of response

Listening AAPPL

Novice - Game descriptions

Intermediate - Cultural Flipgrid responses/waiter interviews

Advanced - YouTube video - Machu Picchu, breve documental

Task Type:
Task Focus:
Task Time:
45 minutes
Technology Tips:

Laptop or Chromebook AND headphones needed for each student, must demonstrate how to zoom in and zoom out on Google Slides and move each type of response

Videos must be embedded AND shared with all students (ie via Google Classroom assignment attachment). It's a good idea to download videos and upload to Google Drive to ensure they will not be blocked. Label them to match the slides.

Implementation Info

