Submit an article
What we publish
ILR&R publishes original papers on topics related to Indigenous and non-dominant community-centered, -led, -driven language work as it relates to their rights and lived realities. This includes, but is not limited to language revitalization, reclamation, education, policy planning, and linguistic rights. We privilege submissions authored or co-authored by Indigenous and/or non-dominant community members and/or in partnership with Indigenous and/or non-dominant communities or community members.
All authors are encouraged to include and weave into their submission their positionality to demonstrate relationality, respect, responsibility, and relevance to the language community(ies) featured. ILR&R encourages authors to be critical of their roles and positionality in relation to the community, language, work and research that they are a part of. We will not publish submissions that do not demonstrate respect and responsibility to language communities and work that reflects knowledge extractive practices that exploit communities, community members, and/or community resources. Our expectations regarding relational accountability as well as Ethics & Malpractice Statement can be found here.
ILR&R was established in 2024 as a section in Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C) (ISSN 1934-5275), which is a free, double-blind peer-reviewed, diamond open-access journal sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center and published exclusively in electronic form by the University of Hawai‘i Press. LD&C is indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ERIC, Open Science Press, and Scopus. Additional information is available at Scimago or Resurchify. LD&C is also listed as a green OA journal by Sherpa Romeo and is a member of the Free Journal Network. There is no charge to authors to publish in LD&C and ILR&R.
ILR&R employs a “publish upon acceptance” system, taking advantage of our online status to publish articles as they become ready for publication after review and editing processes. ILR&R is exclusively dedicated to serving the needs of Indigenous and non-dominant language users and communities who engage in community-centered, -driven, and/or -led language work related to rights and realities.Articles are archived electronically by the ScholarSpace system of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library.
More information on the history of ILR&R may be found here. Our Ethics & Malpractice Statement can be found here.
How to submit
Step 1

Step 2
Step 3

Special Publications
- Editor name(s)
- Proposed title, theme and brief abstract for the volume
- Initial table of contents, including contributor names
- Potential contribution to the field
- How this volume differs from any similar ILR&R Special Publications, if any exist