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Schedule updated 5/14/12


Plenary Speakers / 特邀主题演讲人:

1. Xie, Tianwei / 谢天蔚
California State University Long Beach / 長滩加州州立大學
Cloud Computing and Its Use in Teaching Chinese / 云端运算及其在中文教学中的应用

2. Lu, Jian Ming / 陆俭明
Peking University / 北京大学
The Current Situation and the Needs of Development of Internet-based Chinese Language Teaching in the Digital Age / (数码时代汉语网络教学的现状与发展需求

3. Huang, Chu Ren / 黃居仁
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University / 香港理工大學
Corpus-based Extraction of Chinese Grammatical Information / 漢語語法信息的語料庫提取

4. Hsin, Shi Chang / 信世昌
National Taiwan Normal University / 國立台灣師範大學
The Tech-based Chinese Teaching: Issues and Reflections about Design, Development and Implementation / 科技華語教學在設計,發展,應用方面的議題與省思

5. Sunaoka, Kazuko / 砂岡和子
Waseda University / 日本早稻田大学
Effects of Multilingual Chatting Support System, Chinese Distance Learning at Waseda University, Japan / 日本早稻田大学远程汉语课多语言聊天室的教学效果

6. Wang, Hong Jun / 王洪君
Peking University / 北京大学
The Treatment of Characters and Words in Chinese Language Information Processing and its Implications for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language / 汉语信息处理对字词的处理对汉语二语教学的启示


Workshops / 工作坊:

If you plan on attending the workshop sessions on Sunday, we recommend you bring a laptop computer with you. Unlike previous TCLT Conferences, the workshops will not take place in a computer lab. We chose large presentation rooms with desk and chair space and wireless internet access to accommodate more people instead of using more limited lab facilities.

1. Cloud Computing and iPad Apps for Teaching and Learning Chinese / 雲端工具與iPad應用程序
Xie, Tianwei, California State University, Long Beach / 谢天蔚, 长堤加州州立大学
Lin, Chin-Hsi University of California, Irvine

2. Interactive fun with Google Form and Google Chart / 谷歌 Form 与 Chart 的互动
Chang, John / 张文光
University of Southern California / 南加州州立大学

3. Simple Solutions to Daily Tasks: Screen Movies for Teaching/Learning Activities/ 屏幕录像教学活动
Zhang, Phyllis / 张霓
The George Washington University / 乔治华盛顿大学

4. Peking University Modern Chinese Treebank and its Application on Language Teaching / 树库在汉语句型辅助教学中的应用
Zhan, Weidong / 詹卫东
Peking University / 北京大学

5. Free Online Tools and Resources for Beginning Level Chinese Courses / 适用于初级汉语课程的免费在线工具与资源
Liu, Shijuan / 刘士娟
Indiana University of Pennsylvania / 宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学

6. Creating Online Learning Materials with an Advanced Chinese Annotator / 利用高级汉语注释软件编写在线汉语学习材料
Zhang, Jin / 张锦
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / 麻省理工学院