1. The threefold potential of language documentation
Frank Seifart, pp. 1–6
Part 1. Methods
2. Prospects for e-grammars and endangered languages corpora
Sebastian Drude, pp. 7-16
3. Language-specific encoding in endangered language corpora
Jost Gippert, pp. 17-24
4. Unsupervised morphological analysis of small corpora: First experiments with Kilivila
Amit Kirschenbaum, Peter Wittenburg, and Gerhard Heyer, pp. 25-31
5. A corpus linguistics perspective on language documentation, data, and the challenge of small corpora
Anke Lüdeling, pp. 32-38
6. Supporting linguistic research using generic automatic audio/video analysis
Oliver Schreer and Daniel Schneider, pp. 39-45
Part 2. Analyses
7. Bilingual multimodality in language documentation data
Marianne Gullberg, pp. 46-53
8. Tours of the past through the present of eastern Indonesia
Marian Klamer, pp. 54-63
9. Data from language documentations in research on referential hierarchies
Stefan Schnell, pp. 64-72
10. Information structure, variation and the Referential Hierarchy
Jane Simpson, pp. 73-82
11. How to measure frequency? Different ways of counting ergatives in Chintang (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal) and their implications
Sabine Stoll and Balthasar Bickel, pp. 83-89
12. On the sociolinguistic typology of linguistic complexity loss
Peter Trudgill, pp. 90-95
Part 3: Utilization
13. Visualization and online presentation of linguistic data
Hans-Jörg Bibiko, pp. 96-104
14. Language archives: They’re not just for linguists any more
Gary Holton, pp. 105-110
15. Creating educational materials in language documentation projects – creating innovative resources for linguistic research
Ulrike Mosel, pp. 111-117
16. From language documentation to language planning: Not necessarily a direct route
Julia Sallabank, pp. 118-125
17. Online presentation and accessibility of endangered languages data: The General Portal to the DoBeS Archive
Gabriele Schwiertz, pp. 126-128
18. Using language documentation data in a broader context
Nick Thieberger, pp. 129-134