SP07: Language Endangerment and Preservation in South Asia

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ISBN 978-0-9856211-4-8


Hugo C. Cardoso


The idea to edit a volume on language endangerment and language preservation in South Asia followed from a scholarly panel dedicated to the topic which convened at ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon (Portugal) on July 25th 2012, as part of the 22nd European Conference on South Asian Studies. I am particularly indebted to the authors for their contributions and patient revisions of their texts, and also to the numerous reviewers who collaborated in the editorial process. A special word of thanks goes to Pedro Pombo for his crucial assistance with formatting the text for publication. Finally, I thank Nick Thieberger for the opportunity to publish this volume as a companion to Language Documentation & Conservation. The journal’s open-access policy ensures that these articles can circulate easily and widely; it is hoped that the insights, warnings and suggestions in these pages will be useful not only to scholars, but also to speakers, language activists and policy-makers alike.


Front matter

Hugo C. Cardoso, pp. 1-2

1. Death by other means: Neo-vernacularization of South Asian languages
E. Annamalai, pp. 3-18

2. Majority language death
Liudmila V. Khokhlova, pp. 19-45

3. Ahom and Tangsa: Case studies of language maintenance and loss in North East India
Stephen Morey, pp. 46-77

4. Script as a potential demarcator and stabilizer of languages in South Asia
Carmen Brandt, pp. 78-99

5. The lifecycle of Sri Lanka Malay
Umberto Ansaldo & Lisa Lim, pp. 100-118