Vera Ferreira; Peter Bouda
Brief considerations about language policy: An European assessment
Paulo Carvalho Vicente; Francisco Carvalho Vicente
Bridging divides: A proposal for integrating the teaching, research and revitalization of Nahuatl
Justyna Olko; John Sullivan
The first Mirandese text-to-speech system
José Pedro Ferreira; Cristiano Chesi; Daan Baldewijns; Daniela Braga; Miguel Dias; Margarita Correia
BaTelÒc: A text base for the Occitan language
Myriam Bras; Marianne Vergez-Couret
Language Landscape: Supporting community-led language documentation
Sandy Ritchie; Samantha Goodchild; Ebany Dohle
Reflections of an observant linguist regarding the orthography of A Fala de Us Tres Lugaris
Miroslav Valeš
Multilingualism and structural borrowing in Arbanasi Albanian
Jana Willer-Gold; Tena Gnjatović; Daniela Katunar; Ranko Matasović
El árabe ceutí, una lengua minorizada. Propuestas para su enseñanza en la escuela
Francisco Moscoso García
Language Revitalization: The case of Judeo-Spanish varieties in Macedonia
Esther Zarghooni-Hoffmann
The sociolinguistic evaluation and recording of the dying Kursenieku language
Dalia Kiseliūnaitė
Identity and language shift among Vlashki/Zheyanski speakers in Croatia
Zvjezdana Vrzić; John Victor Singler
Kormakiti Arabic: A study of language decay and language death
Ozan Gulle
New speakers of Minderico: Dynamics and tensions in the revitalization process
Vera Ferreira
Lemko linguistic identity: Contested pluralities
Michael Hornsby
Authenticity and linguistic variety among new speakers of Basque
Jacqueline Urla; Estibaliz Amorrortu; Ane Ortega; Jone Goirigolzarri; Belen Uranga