SP09: Language Documentation and Conservation in Europe

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ISBN-13: 978-0-9856211-5-5


Vera Ferreira, Peter Bouda


Europe is a continent with low linguistic diversity and the number of minority and endangered languages is reduced in comparison to other parts of the world. Consequently, Europe is not in the focus of the researchers working on language documentation. Apart from some “major” minority languages in Europe (Catalan, Galician, Breton, Welsh, Basque, etc.), several of the European endangered languages are not known in detail (even in the academia) or documented in a concise and comprehensive way. Primary data on these languages, reflecting their everyday use, is almost non-existent. Moreover, the linguistic diversity in Europe is also unknown to the general public. In this sense and in order to raise awareness of minority and endangered languages in Europe and to foster the dialog between researchers working on European endangered languages and on language documentation all over the world, CIDLeS – Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation (http://www.cidles.eu/) organized in October 2013 a two-day conference titled Endangered Languages in Europe (ELE 2013). ELE 2013 aimed to provide an interdisciplinary forum in which scholars from language documentation, language technology, and experts on European endangered languages could exchange ideas and techniques on language documentation, archiving, and revitalization; to further methodological discussions and collaborative research into linguistic diversity in Europe; and to reflect on language policy issues.


Vera Ferreira; Peter Bouda



Front matter


Brief considerations about language policy: An European assessment 
Paulo Carvalho Vicente; Francisco Carvalho Vicente

Bridging divides: A proposal for integrating the teaching, research and revitalization of Nahuatl 
Justyna Olko; John Sullivan

The first Mirandese text-to-speech system  
José Pedro Ferreira; Cristiano Chesi; Daan Baldewijns; Daniela Braga; Miguel Dias; Margarita Correia

BaTelÒc: A text base for the Occitan language 
Myriam Bras; Marianne Vergez-Couret

Language Landscape: Supporting community-led language documentation
Sandy Ritchie; Samantha Goodchild; Ebany Dohle

Reflections of an observant linguist regarding the orthography of A Fala de Us Tres Lugaris 
Miroslav Valeš

Multilingualism and structural borrowing in Arbanasi Albanian 
Jana Willer-Gold; Tena Gnjatović; Daniela Katunar; Ranko Matasović

El árabe ceutí, una lengua minorizada. Propuestas para su enseñanza en la escuela 
Francisco Moscoso García

Language Revitalization: The case of Judeo-Spanish varieties in Macedonia
Esther Zarghooni-Hoffmann

The sociolinguistic evaluation and recording of the dying Kursenieku language 
Dalia Kiseliūnaitė

Identity and language shift among Vlashki/Zheyanski speakers in Croatia 
Zvjezdana Vrzić; John Victor Singler

Kormakiti Arabic: A study of language decay and language death 
Ozan Gulle

New speakers of Minderico: Dynamics and tensions in the revitalization process 
Vera Ferreira

Lemko linguistic identity: Contested pluralities
Michael Hornsby

Authenticity and linguistic variety among new speakers of Basque 
Jacqueline Urla; Estibaliz Amorrortu; Ane Ortega; Jone Goirigolzarri; Belen Uranga