Introduction: James Kari’s Contributions to Geolinguistics and Dene Language Studies (Gary Holton and Thomas F. Thornton)
Chapter 2: “From this point…the river changes its name again”: Lavrentiy Zagoskin’s Contributions to the Study of Alaska Native Place Names (Kenneth L. Pratt)
Chapter 3: Raven’s Work in Tlingit Ethno-geography (Thomas Thornton)
Chapter 4: T’aakú Téix’i – The Heart of the Taku: A multifaceted place name from the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (Christine Schreyer)
Chapter 5: Directional reference in discourse and narrative: Comparing indigenous and non-indigenous genres in Ahtna (Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker)
Chapter 6: Losing one’s way: Geographical and moral lessons in the Butterfly Story in Upper Tanana Athabascan (Caleb Brucks and Olga Lovick)
Chapter 7: Place naming strategies in Lower Tanana Dene (Athabascan) (Gary Holton and David Jason Harris)
Chapter 8: Tagish and Tlingit Place Naming Traditions of Southwestern Yukon: Evidence of Language Shift (Patrick Moore)
Chapter 9: Direct borrowings and loan-translations of Navajo toponyms into New Mexican Spanish: Examples and explanations (Stephen C. Jett)
Chapter 10: Yeniseian and Athapaskan Hydronyms (Edward Vajda)
Chapter 11: Crossing the Etolin Strait and the Challenges Presented by a Single Place Name (Robert Drozda)