SP18: Archival Returns: Central Australia and Beyond

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ISBN: 978-0-9973295-7-5


Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, Petronella Vaarzon-Morel


Place-based cultural knowledge – of ceremonies, songs, stories, language, kinship, and ecology – is the thread that binds Australian Indigenous societies together. Over the last 100 years or so, records of this knowledge in many different formats – audiocassettes, photographs, films, written texts, maps, and, increasingly, digital audiovisual recordings – have been accumulating at an ever-increasing rate. Yet many recognise and lament the fact that this extensive documentary heritage of Australian Indigenous peoples is dispersed. In many cases Indigenous people who participated in the creation of the records, or their descendants, have little idea of where to find such records or how to get access to them. In addition to collections held by lands councils, native title representative bodies, and other Indigenous organisations, collections are found in a variety of university and government institutions and archives, both within Australia and outside of it. Some materials are held precariously in ad hoc collections, and their caretakers may be perplexed as to the best ways to ensure that the records are looked after for perpetuity. The future relevance of these documentation efforts depends on several interrelated factors: how sustainable the collections are, how well documented and described they are, and how accessible they are to the communities who own them or have rights to them. This volume focuses on strategies and practices that enable the return and circulation of documentary records of cultural heritage back to their communities of origin. While archival return may be undertaken to provide measures of social equity and justice to Indigenous Australians, the issues raised in enabling return are complex. There is no one-sizefits-all solution.


Co-published with Sydney University Press

Front matter





Editors’ preface – Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, & Petronella Vaarzon-Morel

Conundrums and consequences: Doing digital archival returns in Australia – Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, & Katya Zissermann

Deciphering Arrernte archives: The intermingling of textual and living knowledge – Jason Gibson, Shaun Angeles, & Joel Liddle

Reflections on the preparation and delivery of Carl Strehlow’s heritage dictionary (1909) to the Western Aranda people – Anna Kenny

Returning recordings of songs that persist: The Anmatyerr traditions of akiw and anmanty – Jason Gibson

Incorporating archival cultural heritage materials into contemporary Warlpiri women’s yawulyu spaces – Georgia Curran

Enlivening people and country: The Lander Warlpiri cultural mapping project – Petronella Vaarzon-Morel & Luke Kelly

(Re)turning research into pedagogical practice: A case study of translational language research in Warlpiri – Carmel O’Shannessy, Samantha Disbray, Barbara Martin, & Gretel Macdonald

“The songline is alive in Mukurtu”: Return, reuse, and respect – Kimberly Christen

“For the children…”: Aboriginal Australia, cultural access, and archival obligation – Brenda L Croft, Sandy Toussaint, Felicity Meakins, & Patrick McConvell

Working at the interface: The Daly Languages Project – Rachel Nordlinger, Ian Green, & Peter Hurst

“We never had any photos of my family”: Archival return, film, and a personal history – Fred Myers & Lisa Stefanoff

Return of a travelling song: Wanji-wanji in the Pintupi region of Central Australia – Myfany Turpin

Never giving up: Negotiating, culture-making, and the infinity of the archive – Sabra Thorner, Linda Rive, John Dallwitz, & Janet Inyika

Nura’s vision: Nura’s voice – Suzanne Bryce, Julia Burke, & Linda Rive

i-Tjuma: The journey of a collection – from documentation to delivery – Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis, Jennifer Green, & Inge Kral

Ever-widening circles: Consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community – Clint Bracknell & Kim Scott