Submit a Manuscript

RFL accepts submissions only through the Open Journal Systems web application. Read more about this below.

Please list the names, institutions, e-mail addresses of all authors, and also include a brief biographical statement (maximum 50 words, in sentence format) for each author. (This information will be removed when the articles are distributed for blind review.) Authors must accompany their submission with a statement that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Submissions may be submitted in the following formats: (a) Microsoft Word documents and (b) RTF documents. If a different format is required in order to better handle foreign language fonts, please consult with the editors. Please check the Submission Guidelines for additional information.

What is OJS?

Open Journal Systems is a widely used open source web application that is used to manage the editorial process for journal publishers and staff. Authors access the application to submit their manuscripts for review. RFL editors and reviewers use the application to access author submissions and to request and submit reviews of submitted manuscripts. The application helps the editorial team keep track of documents as the review process progresses. OJS is used by the NFLRC for all of its journal publications.

Why did RFL transition to OJS?

RFL adopted OJS to streamline the editorial management process and to make it easier to track the progress of submissions. Another benefit is the added historical preservation of the journal’s internal operation. This helps to quickly orient new editorial team members to the operation of the journal. 

How does OJS work?

The OJS application has a unique website dedicated to RFL ( OJS works like a pipeline for the different activities and tasks that are related to editorial management. 

NOTE: All users (authors, editors, and reviewers) must register for a user account. Users can also be invited. 

Here is a typical sequence:

  1. Authors login and submit their manuscript to the journal by uploading their manuscript to the application.
  2. Journal Managers are notified by the system and proceed to assign the manuscript to one or more editors. Editors are notified of this assignment.
  3. Editors invite reviewers that are already registered users in the application or they can invite new reviewers to consider the submitted manuscript. Reviewers receive invitations by email.
  4. Those reviewers who have agreed to review a manuscript submit their reviews to the application. Editors are notified of these review submissions.
  5. When all reviews are complete, the Editors determine the article’s status.
  6. If accepted, the article is sent out for copy editing and final proofs.
  7. The article is published in the journal.

How can authors set up an account?

Authors can register for an account here ( Users who are in China may experience difficulties with Google’s ReCaptcha restriction. In these cases, please contact to ask a journal manager to create your account on your behalf.

How do authors submit a manuscript via OJS?

Login at After logging in, authors can select the “Make a Submission” button to initiate the uploading of the manuscript and to add the appropriate metadata for the submission. The submission guidelines should be followed.



Are you a Reviewer? The RFL editorial team will contact you with specific instructions on how to access manuscripts and submit reviews.


Reading in a Foreign Language is published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa (UHM) with additional support from the Center for Language & Technology at UHM and Texas Tech University. The journal is currently indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Updated February 13, 2025

Forthcoming Reviews

Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Lapp, D. (2022). Teaching reading: A playbook for developing skilled readers through word recognition and language comprehension. Corwin. 

Pae, H.K. (2020). Script effects as the hidden drive of the mind, cognition, and culture. With a Foreword by Charles A. Perfetti. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Shiotsu, T. (2010). Components of L2 reading: Linguistic and processing factors in the reading test performances of Japanese EFL learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zhou, J. (2024). Extensive reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seeking Reviews

Akhavan, N. (2023) Small group reading with multilingual learners. Differentiating instruction in 20 minutes a day. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Akhavan, N. (2024) The big book of tasks for English language development, grades K-8. Lessons and activities that invite learners to read, write, speak, and listen. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Bavendiek, U., Mentchen, S., Mossmann, C. & Paulus, D. (Eds.)(2022), Ab Initio language teaching in British higher education: The case of German. London: UCL Press.

Blackwood, R., Røyneland, U. (Eds.) (2021).  Spaces of multilingualism. New York: Routledge. 

Bruggink, M., Swart, N., van der Lee, A., Segers, E. (2025) Teaching reading comprehension in a digital world. Evidence-based contributions using PIRLS and digital texts. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Dubreil, S., Malinowski, D., Maxim, H.M. (2023) Spatializing language studies. Pedagogical approaches in the linguistic landscape. Cham: Springer.

Gorter, D., Cenoz, J. (2023). A panorama of linguistic landscape studies. Bristol/Jackson: Multilingual Matters. 

I-Wen Su, L., Cheung, H., Wu, J. R. W. (Eds.) (2021). Rethinking EMI. Multidisciplinary perspectives from Chinese-speaking regions. London: Routledge. 

Kusiak, M. (2013). Reading comprehension in Polish and English: Evidence from an introspective study. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press.

Makalela, L, & White, G. (Eds.)(2021). Rethinking language use in digital Africa: Technology and communication in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters. 

Nunn, N., Sedláčková, J., Tóthová, L., & Yang, J. (2022). Deafinitely English: Online materials for teachers of English as a Foreign Language for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students. Brno: Masaryk University Press. 

Stroupe, R., & Roosman, L. (Eds.)(2025). Applied Linguistics in the Indonesian context. Singapore: Springer Nature. 

Summer, T. & Böttger, H. (2022). English in primary education: Concepts and practice. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. 

In French
Sokołowicz, M., Zatorska, I. (Eds.) (2019). Quand regarder fait lire. Nouveaux défis dans l’enseignement des littératures de langue française. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press. 
In German:
Maik Philipp, Simone Jambor-Fahlen (Eds.) (2022). Lesen: Prozess- und produktperspektiven von der wortebene bis zu multiplen texten. Basel: Belz Juventa. 

Schrott, A., Wolf, J., Pflüger, Ch. (2023). Textkomplexität und Textverstehen. Studien zur Verständlichkeit von Texten. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 

In Spanish:
Ruiz de Zarobe, Y., Ruiz de Zarobe, L. (Eds.) (2019). La lectura en lengua extranjera. Barcelona: Ediciones Octaedro.


A free E-book copy will be made available to the reviewer of the books listed above. The call is primarily open to academics, researchers in areas related to foreign language reading (applied linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, etc.), teachers and students (both doctoral and graduate students), however, the list is not exhaustive.

About Reviews

You are invited to review books not listed here as well, as long as they are related to reading in a foreign language. Should you choose to review a book on L1 reading you ought to emphasize how the research presented therein is relevant to foreign language reading. You can also review books published in your own countries, and not necessarily in English, as long as your review is written in English. A précis in the language in which the book is written may accompany the full English-language review. In fact, we are open to reviews of books from all over the world in order to follow and popularize current research on foreign language reading.

The reviews section of Reading in a Foreign Language generally accepts three types of books:

  • academic publications, research reports, etc. for example, on the psychological processes involved in reading, vocabulary retention, cross-linguistic interaction in reading, etc.
  • resources for teachers: books written from a more practical angle, for example, on how to design reading activities, how to choose reading materials, how to motivate learners to read, etc.
  • resources for learners, especially textbooks developing reading skills, for example, preparing learners for the reading component of language exams, such as the CPE exam in English. The guidelines for writing a review are available here:

As Reading in a Foreign Language has switched to a continuous publishing mode, there are no specific deadlines.

Contact Teresa Maria Wlosowicz if you are interested in having material reviewed as a publisher or as an author, or if you wish to serve as a reviewer.

Please visit to submit your manuscripts.


Call for Contributors “Readings on L2 Reading” Annual Column

Reading in a Foreign Language is seeking contributors for the “Readings on L2 Reading” annual column. This annual feature offers an archive of articles published in other venues during the past year and serves as a valuable tool to readers of Reading in a Foreign Language. This is an excellent opportunity to provide service to the profession while reviewing the latest research in the field of second and foreign language reading. All interested researchers are encouraged to apply, especially graduate students and early career researchers.  

Shenika Harris,