The Teacher Portfolio & Preparation Series (TiPPS) was created by Kenton Harsch and Jim Yoshioka in 2000 to help graduate students in language departments at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa develop a teacher portfolio and job hunting skills, items that were often not taught or addressed in their programs of study. TiPPS facilitators and co-curriculum designers over the years have included Emily Lee and Priscilla Faucette, and together we worked with hundreds of students (and even in-service teachers) who took our in-person 7-part workshop series.
After a revision and update of the TiPPS workshop and materials in 2016, we soon embarked on an ambitious plan in 2020 to not only expand our content further but make it available more broadly as an an open education resource (OER). The COVID-19 pandemic and individual time constraints may have slowed down our progress in the years that followed, but happily, we were able to finally develop our 8 modules (with a total of 19 free TED-Ed lessons), containing our best strategies and tips, in early fall 2023, with a new logo to boot.
We wish to thank the National Foreign Language Resource Center for its encouragement and support of this project, and we hope you enjoy the lessons and resources and find them useful.
Queries about TiPPS? Please feel free to contact us
KENTON HARSCH, recently retired, served as Director of the English Language Institute (ELI) and Undergraduate Coordinator & Advisor in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He has an MEd in TESOL from Temple University Japan and worked as a teacher and administrator in Japan and Hawai‘i since 1987. His current professional interests include Global Englishes and developing a pedagogical approach to plagiarism.
JIM YOSHIOKA is Program Coordinator for the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He graduated with an MA in English as a Second Language from the Department of Second Language Studies at UH Mānoa in 1999. His professional interests include conference organizing, sociolinguistics, language pedagogy (particularly writing), and assessment. His personal interests include country-western line dancing, theatre, cooking, and geothermal geology.
EMILY LEE is currently a research-driven Content Designer with 9+ years experience writing for international audiences. Previously she was a Program Specialist for the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She holds an MA in Second Language Studies from UH Mānoa and has worked as editor, translator, ESL/EFL teacher, and coordinator. She has experience in various sectors available to language professionals—including nonprofit, public education, and commercial settings—and is passionate about helping others find the best career fit for their personal and professional development and joy.
PRISCILLA FAUCETTE has been involved in international education as a student or educator for almost 30 years. She has an MA in ESL and a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution, both from UH Mānoa. Priscilla currently serves as the Director of the English Language Institute (ELI) and as an Advisor and Instructor in the Undergraduate Program.