Module 4, Lesson 1: Creating an Effective CV
Content: Emily Lee
Presenter: Emily Lee
Module 4, Lesson 2: CV Pitfalls
Content: Emily Lee
Presenter: Emily Lee
TiPPS for Writing and Tailoring Your Curriculum Vitae
The Latin phrase “curriculum vitae” literally means “course of one’s life,” and as such, your curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that provides readers with a look at your professional history. A CV is typically longer than a resume and focuses on you as a professional in a certain field, so it allows you a greater opportunity to elaborate on your experiences.
While you cannot change your past, you certainly can alter how you present it. Wherever possible, your CV should be tailored to highlight those aspects of your professional qualifications that the employer is seeking.
TiPPS for Writing and Tailoring Your Curriculum Vitae (2023 version)
TiPPS Job Template (for keeping records of your various employment experiences)
CV Review Task (2023 version)
Resumes and Vitas, Purdue Online Writing Lab: Some handy resources for writing both resumes and CVs from Purdue University, including samples.
Resumes & CVs for Graduate Students and Postdocs (Washington University in St. Louis): A good guide to the differences between CVs and resumes, with tips and samples.
Academic Careers: Curriculum Vitae (The Career Center, University of Washington): A good listing of items and strategies to remember when putting together your CV.
How Much Should You Reveal on Your CV?, The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Advice section: The article discusses whether aspects of one’s philosophy and one’s stance on activism belong in CVs, statements of teaching philosophy, in cover letters, or elsewhere in an application packet.
Curriculum Vitae: Tips and Samples (The Graduate College, University of Illinois): Additional resources can be found in the Career Development > Applying for Jobs section
The CV Doctor Returns (Chronicle of Higher Education): An advice column from the authors of “The Academic Job Search Handbook,” with before and after versions of CVs
8 Tips to Improve Your CV (Chronicle of Higher Education): Some additional helpful reminders
“Your CV Should Inform. Your Cover Letter Should Persuade.” (Chronicle of Higher Education): A great article that clarifies the distinct purposes of the CV and cover letter
Vick, J. M., Furlong, J. S., & Lurie, R. (2016). The academic job search handbook. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. [This excellent book is available online for University of Hawaii at Mānoa faculty, staff, and students.]
Formo, D.M. & Reed, C. (1999). Job search in academe: Strategic rhetorics for faculty job candidates. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, Inc.
All of the below sample CVs were found in the public domain on the internet. Try looking at them to see how different people in different languages present themselves, how the CVs are formatted, what kinds of fonts and backgrounds are used, and other things that can help you to develop your own CV.
Teachers of English literature:
Rachel Green (Career Development, The Graduate College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Teachers of Japanese: