Special Publications
SP29: Participatory Linguistics: Methods and Case Studies from Around the World
Timothy Stirtz, Michael Cahill, Philip Davison
SP28: The Acquisition Sketch Project
Birgit Hellwig, Shanley E.M. Allen, Lucinda Davidson, Rebecca Defina, Barbara F. Kelly, Evan Kidd
SP27: Voices: Perspectives from the International Year of Indigenous Languages
Sarah Sandman, Shannon Bischoff, Jens Clegg
SP26: Five Key Topics in Language Documentation and Description
Peter Jenks, Lev Michael
SP25: Doing Corpus-Based Typology With Spoken Language Corpora: State of the art
Stefan Schnell, Geoffrey Haig, Frank Seifart
SP24: Phonetic fieldwork in southern New Guinea
Kate L. Lindsey, Dineke Schokkin
SP23: Theoretical reflections around the role of fieldwork in linguistics and linguistic anthropology: Contributions of Indigenous researchers from southern Mexico
Emiliana Cruz Cruz
SP22: Reflexiones teóricas en torno a la función del trabajo de campo en lingüística- antropológica: Contribuciones de investigadores indígenas del sur de México
Emiliana Cruz Cruz
SP21: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Documentation
Susan D. Penfield
SP20: Collaborative Approaches to the Challenges of Language Documentation and Conservation
Wilson de Lima Silva, Katherine J. Riestenberg
SP19: Documentation and Maintenance of Contact Languages from South Asia to East Asia
Mário Pinharanda-Nunes, Hugo C. Cardoso
SP18: Archival Returns: Central Australia and Beyond
Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, Petronella Vaarzon-Morel
SP17: Language and Toponymy in Alaska and Beyond
Gary Holton, Thomas F. Thornton
SP16: Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology
Aimée Lahaussoi, Marine Vuillermet
SP15: Reflections on Language Documentation 20 Years after Himmelmann 1998
Bradley McDonnell, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Gary Holton
SP14: A Descriptive Grammar of Shilluk
Bert Remijsen, Otto Gwado Ayoker
SP13: Documenting Variation in Endangered Languages
Kristine A. Hildebrandt, Carmen Jany, Wilson Silva
SP12: The Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus (SCOPIC)
Danielle Bart, Nicholas Evans
SP11: Mutsun-English English-Mutsun Dictionary, mutsun-inkiS inkiS-mutsun riica pappel
Natasha Warner, Lynnika Butler, Quirina Geary
SP10: African language documentation: new data, methods and approaches
Mandana Seyfeddinipur
SP09: Language Documentation and Conservation in Europe
Vera Ferreira, Peter Bouda
SP08: The Art and Practice of Grammar Writing
Toshihide Nakayam, Keren Rice
SP07: Language Endangerment and Preservation in South Asia
Hugo C. Cardoso
SP06: Microphone in the Mud
Laura Robinson, Gary Robinson
SP05: Melanesian Languages on the Edge of Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century
Nicholas Evans, Marian Klamer
SP04: Electronic Grammaticography
Sebastian Nordhoff
SP03: Potentials of Language Documentation: Methods, Analyses, and Utilization
Frank Seifart, Geoffrey Haig, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Anna Margetts, Paul Trilsbeek
SP02: Fieldwork and Linguistic Analysis in Indigenous Languages of the Americas
Andrea L. Berez, Jean Mulder, Daisy Rosenblum
SP01: Documenting and Revitalizing Austronesian Languages
D. Victoria Rau, Margaret Florey