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    2018 PBLL Intensive Summer Institute Designer Badge

    The NFLRC 2018 Intensive Summer Institute (ISI), Pragmatics in Project-Based Language Learning, was a week-long intensive experience for selected participants who successfully completed the 2018 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning Online Institute. The Designer badge for the 2018 Intensive Summer Insitute certifies that the badge recipient:

    ŸŸ- participated fully in a 40-hour professional development experience on Pragmatics in Project-Based Language Learning;

    – attended all sessions and completed institute tasks;

    – finalized the design of a project and submitted it to the Project Repository;

    – achieved minimum quality standards specified in the “Developing” column of the PBLL Design Rubric.

    Related Links

    2018 Institute Description

    2018 Institute Website

    Project Repository