Cherice Montgomery currently coordinates the Spanish Teaching Major Program at Brigham Young University, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in assessment, language teaching methods, biliteracy development, and technology. She has been honored with several awards for excellence in teaching, including BYU’s Douglas K. Christensen Teaching & Learning Faculty Fellowship, the ACTFL-NYSAFLT Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, the Brigham Young University Faculty Women’s Association Teaching Award, the Kansas Foreign Language Teacher of the Year Award, and the U.S.D. 259 Good Apple Award.
Her research explores the potential of design-based pedagogies, multiliteracies, and social technologies for affecting change in world language teacher education and professional development. She is currently working on grant-supported research in four different immersive language learning environments: (1) Dual Language Immersion (DLI), (2) Foreign Language Student Residences (FLSR), (3) online, Playable Case Study simulations (PCS), and (4) Project-based Language Learning (PBLL). She has also served as co-chair of the ACTFL Pimsleur Research Award Committee, as an advisory board member for several different Language Resource Centers, as a member of the New Visions in Foreign Language Education Task Force, and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Critical Inquiry Into Curriculum & Instruction.
PBL PBLL project-based language learning