The NFLRC is pleased to release its new 7-episode podcast series on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in World Languages for 2022.
All interviews are hosted by Nicole Naditz (2015 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year). The NFLRC contributed its expertise in instructional design and technology and provided logistical support. Each episode features interviews with world language professionals who share their insights and experience in relation to UDL for the world language classroom.
Resources and references for each podcast interview can be found below. Enjoy!
The entire podcast playlist can be accessed from our NFLRC Soundcloud channel.

Episode 1: Intro to UDL, Part 1
Available May 10, 2022
A 2-part with Caroline Torres and Kavita Rao giving an introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Episode 2: Intro to UDL, Part 2
Available May 11, 2022
A 2-part with Caroline Torres and Kavita Rao giving an introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Episode 3: Getting Started with UDL in World Languages
Available May 12, 2022
An interview with Christopher Hromalik

Episode 4: Learning from Early Language Learning: UDL across K-12
Available May 13, 2022
An interview with Rebecca Aubrey

Episode 5: Assuring Equity and Access with UDL
Available May 14, 2022
An interview with Tonja Byrom

Episode 6: Going Deeper with UDL Applications to the World Languages Classroom
Available May 15, 2022
An interview with Katy Arnett

Episode 7: Universal Design for Instruction: A Post-secondary Lens
Available May 16, 2022
An interview with Susan Hildebrandt
For Episode 1
- ACTFL Performance Descriptors
- CAST’s UDL Guidelines
- UDL for Language Learners book
- The tools mentioned in episode:
- Read & Write
- Edpuzzle
- H5P
- Flipgrid
For Episode 2
- ACTFL Performance Descriptors
- CAST’s UDL Guidelines
- UDL for Language Learners book
- Podcast: UDL in 15 minutes
- CAST webinars
For Episode 3
- WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) – Ideally, instructional content will be compliant at Level AA.
- Microsoft Word and Accessibility
- Microsoft PowerPoint and Accessibility
- Google Workspace and accessibility
Universal Design for Learning
- CAST: About Universal Design for Learning
- UDL Theory and Practice (free e-book, registration required)
- UDL Guidelines from
- UDL On Campus
- Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (Thomas J. Tobin and Kirsten T. Behling)
- Chris’ podcast episode: Podcast on UDL in WL
- Chris’ UDL talk for the Language Resource Center
For Episode 4
Spathis, Elena (2019) “Station Rotation in World Language Classes” Edutopia. Accessed on July 2, 2021
Tovani, Crios (2010) “Minimize Lecture, Maximize Learning: The Workshop Model”, excerpt from So What Do They Really Know? at Education World, Accessed on July 2, 2021.
For Episode 5
For Episode 6
- Languages for All (2013)
- Access for Success: Making inclusion work for language learners book home page
- Teacher Inventory of Baseline Techniques
- French version of the inventory
- French version of the homepage for the book Accès pour succès
- If ordering from outside of Canada, please call customer service: 1 (800) 361-6128
- TELL Project (Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning)
For Episode 7
- Universal Design for Instruction: A Framework for Anticipating and Responding to Disability and Other Diverse Learning Needs in the College Classroom
- Project LINC
- Universal Design and Its Applications in Educational Environments
- Disability and World Language Learning by Sally Scott and Wade Edwards, 2019