2018 Fundamentals of PBLL: Badge Criteria

    • 2018
    • Project Lead(s): Julio C Rodriguez


    Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning is an introductory online institute for world language instructors, world language curriculum directors, and professional development specialists. Participants who complete the online institute gain basic familiarity with theoretical and practical aspects of designing projects for the context of world language teaching and learning. The online institute progresses through five modules.

    Participants who receive a badge have completed a set of deliverables and have interacted with colleagues in activities or discussions on this topic. Participation in the institute and completion of these requirements provide evidence that the badge recipient:

    1) Learned about fundamental aspects of Project-based Language Learning (PBLL) and some of the commonalities and differences between PBL and PBLL by completing a series of online modules.

    2) Completed and submitted the following deliverables:

    • three project ideas (Module 1);
    • three initial Product Squares (Module 2);
    • three revised Product Squares with added SLOs and pragmatic elements (Module 3);
    • a plan for scaffolding student skills in the Interpretive mode for one selected high-quality authentic text (Module 4);
    • a self-evaluative composition reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the Product Squares they have generated (Module 5);
    • a rubric for assessing student products in a chosen project with 3~5 essential dimensions (criteria) (Module 5)

    3) Participated in a collegial discussion on topics related to language learning project planning, design, and implementation by posting responses to prompts related to PBLL in the majority (i.e., at least 8) of the “Get Involved” sections in the lessons.






    From PBL to PBLL

    Lesson 1

    High Quality Project Design

    Lesson 2

    From PBL to PBLL: What Teachers Need to Know to Adapt PBL to the Language Education Context

    Lesson 3

    Generating Project Ideas 


    Deliverable: Three project ideas 



    Designing Engaging Projects

    Lesson 4

    Evaluating Your Project Idea & Engaging Students in Project Development: The Product Square

    Lesson 5

    Product Square Showcase

    Lesson 6

    Pragmatics: Appropriate Use of Language in the Real World


    Deliverable: Three initial Product Squares



    Pragmatics in PBLL

    Lesson 7

    Enhancing PBLL through Pragmatics

    Lesson 8

    Starting with the End in Mind: Defining Student Learning Outcomes

    Lesson 9

    Formative Assessment in PBLL


    Deliverable: Three revised Product Squares with added SLOs and pragmatic elements



    Scaffolding the Learning Experience

    Lesson 10

    Scaffolding Sustained Inquiry in the Interpretive Mode

    Lesson 11

    Scaffolding Collaboration in the Interpersonal Mode

    Lesson 12

    Scaffolding Product Creation in the Presentational Mode


    Deliverable: A plan for scaffolding student skills in the Interpretive mode for one selected high-quality authentic text



    Assessing Learning & Project Impact

    Lesson 13

    Rubrics for Assessing Student Learning

    Lesson 14

    Assessing Pragmatics

    Lesson 15

    Evaluating Project Design


    Deliverables: A self-evaluative composition reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the Product Squares they have generated and a rubric for assessing student products in a chosen project with 3~5 essential dimensions (criteria)