Students gathered at a table working on a project

    NFLRC Short Course: Intersections Between High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs) and Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)

    • October 1–December 31, 2019
    • Project Lead(s): Ruslan Suvorov

    Intersections Between HLTPs and PBLL is a short course designed to provide world language educators ideas for implementing the elements of six high-leverage teaching practices (HLTPs) in project-based language learning (PBLL) contexts. This self-study course comprises seven lessons, with each lesson containing a video of an interview with experts in PBLL, a quiz, links to additional materials on the topic of the lesson, and a discussion prompt. An optional badge is available for a small fee for participants who fulfill all course requirements.  



    In order to get the most from this short course, participants should have a good understanding or experience with both the six HLTPs and PBLL prior to taking it. 

    If you do not meet these prerequisites, the NFLRC offers professional learning opportunities in both that you should undertake first:

    High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTP) podcast series / TED-Ed lessons

    2016 Project-Based Language Learning Online Symposium (8 webinar videos)



    Registration and the content for this short course is FREE. However, if you wish to earn the optional digital badge for completion afterwards, you will need to meet the badge criteria and pay a nominal fee ($25) to have your submitted materials evaluated by NFLRC staff.




    Course Overview

    This short course is designed to provide world language educators ideas for implementing the elements of 6 high-leverage teaching practices (HLTPs) in project-based language learning (PBLL) contexts. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: 

    • list ideas for implementing the elements of HLTP in PBLL contexts;

    • discuss issues and challenges related to implementing the elements of HLTP in PBLL;

    • reflect on the intersections between HLTPs and PBLL in their own instructional contexts.


    This self-study course comprises 7 TED-Ed lessons on the following topics: 

    • Introduction to Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)

    • Intersections Between HLTP 1 and PBLL: Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility in PBLL

    • Intersections Between HLTP 2 and PBLL: Building a Classroom Discourse Community in PBLL

    • Intersections Between HLTP 3 and PBLL: Guiding Learners to Discuss and Interpret Authentic Texts in PBLL

    • Intersections Between HLTP 4 and PBLL: Focusing on Form in a Dialogic Context Through PACE in PBLL

    • Intersections Between HLTP 5 and PBLL: Focusing on Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives in a Dialogic Context in PBLL

    • Intersections Between HLTP 6 and PBLL: Providing Oral Corrective Feedback to Improve Learner Performance in PBLL


    When you enroll in this short course, you will be given a username and password in a Moodle site hosted at the NFLRC. From the Moodle site, you will access materials in this short course (what might be called the “textbook”) by clicking on links to lessons in TED-Ed. In each of these TED-Ed lessons there are the following 4 components: 

    • Watch: A video of an interview with experts in PBLL 

    • Think: A quiz with several questions about the video (for self-assessment)

    • Dig Deeper: Links to additional materials on the topic of the lesson

    • Discuss: A discussion prompt (must be completed in Moodle rather than on the TED-Ed site). 


    Participants are invited to complete the lessons at their own pace in the order in which the lessons appear in the Moodle course. The course will be open until December 31, 2019.


    Important: In order to get the most from this short course, participants should have a good understanding of both the 6 HLTPs and the fundamentals of PBLL prior to taking it. Please see Prerequisites section above.


    Digital Badge

    An optional badge that certifies the successful completion of this short course is available for a small fee (US$25). Participants interested in applying for a digital badge must complete all the requirements listed under Badge Criteria (see below) and submit the Digital Badge Request Form by December 31, 2019. After receiving the Digital Badge Request Form, a moderator from the NFLRC will check the participant’s tasks and issue a digital badge if all the tasks have been completed successfully. If some of the tasks do not meet the minimum badge criteria, the participant will be given an opportunity to re-submit those tasks. 

    Badge Criteria

    To qualify for a digital badge, a participant must complete all of the following tasks: