Korean for professionals volume 1

    Haejin E. Koh & Dong-Kwan Kong (Eds.)

    Koh, H. E., & Kong, D. (Eds.). (2012). Korean for professionals (Vol. 1). Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center.


    The Korean Language Flagship Center aims to produce professionals who can function in Korean in their chosen fields. After two years of intensive Korean language training customized to their fields, graduates of this program are expected to take their place among the next generation of global professionals as Korea specialists, commanding professional-level proficiency in Korean.

    Successful completion of the program and demonstration of the ability to use Korean at a professional level (ILR 3, ACTFL Superior) lead to the Master of Arts degree in Korean for Professionals. This monograph series is a compilation of the students’ research critical and controversial issues in Korea or Korea-US relations. 


    1 경제관리개선조치가 북한사회에 미친 영향/
    The sociopolitical implications of economic reforms in North Korea
    백은경 / Priscilla Baek

    2 이명박 정부의 영어 공교육 강화정책에 대한 연구/
    A critical review of Lee Myung-bak’s English education policy for
    Korean public schools
    조한나 / Eileen Cho

    3 여성 새터민의 국내 적응싵태와 지원방안에 대한 연구/
    Women saeteomin’s adaptation difficulties during their
    resettlement process in South Korea and suggesting for
    허은경 / Kelly Hur

    4 북한 식량문제에 대한 해결책: 농업붂야를 중심으로/
    An agricultural focused solution to the North Korean food issue
    임옥균 / Ann Ok Kyun Im

    5 한국의 소프트 파워: ‘한류’에 대한 연구/
    Korea’s soft power research on hallyu (Korean wave)
    강지민 / Eunice Kang

    6 북한의 핵 협상 전략 패턴 붂석:
    미국대통령의 취임 전·후 시기를 기준으로/
    An analysis on patterns of North Korean nuclear negotiating
    strategies: Focused on U.S. presidential inaugurations
    김보나 / Bona Kim

    7 북한의 테러 지원국 해제가 갖는 의미 연구/
    The impact of removal of North Korea from the U.S. state-
    sponsored terrorism List
    김연아 / Yeun A Kim

    8 제한된 민주성의 노사관계
    세계화에 따른 쟁의행위권 견제: 한국과 중국을 중심으로/
    Limited industrial democracy in China and South Korea:
    Globalization’s impact on disputation rights
    신태희 / Matthew Lauer

    9 북한의 대체 에너지 지원에 관한 연구/
    Alternative energy aid to North Korea
    남궁선 / Sophia Namkung

    10 국제협약의 관점에서 바라본 북한과 중국의 탈북자 정책:
    강제송환 정책을 중심으로/
    North Korea-China policy on North Korean defectors in
    accordance with the international agreement: With a focus on
    repatriation by force
    백재희 / Caroline Paik

    11 광고를 통해서 본 한국사회의 변화:
    전통적 가치관과 현대적 가치관을 중심으로/
    Changes in Korean society in through the eyes of advertisement
    박재균 / Jae Kyun Park

    12 오바마 정부와 이명박 정부의 대북정책과 한미동맹의 바람직한
    방향을 위한 제안/
    Obama and Lee Myung-bak’s policies Towards North Korea:
    Suggestions for the betterment of U.S. policy in North Korea and
    US-ROK relations
    신소윤 / Sophie Shin 

    13 지속 가능한 북한 경제 형성: 지원인가 교역인가 –북한 정권, 중국,
    장마당 그리고 주체사상을 향한 행로 /
    Creating a sustainable North Korean economy: Aid or trade? –
    The regime, China, the Jang-ma-dang and the path towards Juche.
    Steve Wiscombe


    Related Publications:

    Korean for professionals volume 2

    Korean for professionals volume 3