New perspectives on Japanese language learning, linguistics, and culture

    Kimi Kondo-Brown, Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Shingo Satsutani, Michio Tsutsui, & Ann Wehmeyer (Eds.)

    In Kondo-Brown, K., In Saito-Abbott, Y., In Satsutani, S., In Tsutsui, M., In Wehmeyer, A., & National Foreign Language Resource Center (University of Hawaii at Manoa). (2013). New perspectives on Japanese language learning, linguistics, and culture. Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.

    This volume is a collection of selected refereed papers presented at the Association of Teachers of Japanese Annual Spring Conference held at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in March of 2011. It not only covers several important topics on teaching and learning spoken and written Japanese and culture in and beyond classroom settings, but also includes research investigating certain linguistic items from new perspectives.



    1 日本語イマージョンプログラムに在籍するJHL児童の物語産出力
    と言語力の発達について [Development of Narrative Writing Ability 
    and Language Proficiency in Young JHL Learners in a Japanese 
    Immersion Program]
    Masako O. Douglas, Kiyomi Chinen, & Hiroko C. Kataoka

    2 Using N Desu in Small Talk: JFL Learners’ Pragmatic Development 
    Tomoko Iwai

    3 Effects of Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback on JFL 
    Students’ Homework [JFL学習者の宿題へのDynamic Written 
    Corrective Feedbackの効果]
    Yuka Akiyama & Mayumi Fleshler

    4 内容重視の言語教育の理論と実践:「批判的」日本語教育に向けて
    [Theories and Practices of Content-Based Language Instruction: 
    Toward “Critical” Japanese Language Education]
    Shinji Sato, Atsushi Hasegawa, Yuri Kumagai, & Uichi Kamiyoshi

    5 Social Network Development during Study Abroad in Japan [日本
    Spencer A. Ring, Daniel Gardner, & Dan P. Dewey

    6 Grammar and Interactional Discourse: Marking Non-topical 
    Subject in Japanese Conversation [インターアクションと文法:日本
    Michiko Kaneyasu

    7 「の」名詞化構文についての一考察:主要部内在型関係節とその周辺
    [A Study of the No-Clause Construction in Japanese: Internally 
    Headed Relative Clauses and Beyond]
    Xiaoman Miao

    8 Transmissive Feminism: The Evolutive Mind as Displayed in the 
    Overseas Letters of Yamada Kakichi to Yamada Waka [伝達される
    フェミニズム:山田嘉吉から山田わかへ, 二人の往復書簡が明かす
    Rika Saito

    About the Contributors