Resources (articles, websites, and videos) that may be used to supplement teaching throughout the project.
1. Learners will develop curiosity about museum education for children by engaging with an article from a Mexican journal called "Los museos: espacios para la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas" about how museums serve as educational centers for both young people and adults.
2. Learners will obtain background information about the importance of art in education for children in Spain from an introductory article to the website for Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos called “Introducción: Las artes son para la infancia un lenguaje cercano y familiar” about how art education promotes healthy childhood development.
3. Learners will then explore different viewpoints on museums as learning centers for children presented in an online magazine article called “La importancia del arte para los niños pequeños” about the benefits of art in the development of children in Spain.
4. Learners will also compare and contrast cultural perspectives on museums as learning centers for children based on a blog post called “La importancia del arte en la educación de los niños” about the importance of a cultural upbring in the arts (visual arts, music, theater, and dance) in Argentina.
5. Learners will also explore different viewpoints on the definition of art presented in two videos (one called “¿Qué es el arte? Corto documental” from Argentina and “¿Qué es el arte?” from Mexico) about the different types of art and how the word “art” is defined. (Other options for videos include “07-El Arte” from Argentina and “Es eso el arte?” from Chile, which explores questions like: What makes art? Can we all be artists? Can creativity be learned?)
6. Learners will develop curiosity about museum education for children by engaging with a video called “Un museo para niños” from El Salvador about the importance of designing museums that allow visitors to engage with the exhibits. The museum that is featured is not an art museum, but it does highlight the benefits of experiential learning.
7. Learners will develop curiosity about effective instruction for children by engaging with videos for children about different Spanish speaking artists like Frida Kahlo (Mexico), Diego Rivera (Mexico), Emilio Pettoruti (Argentina), Quinquela Martín (Argentina), Antonio Berni (Argentina), and Fernando Botero (Colombia). Students can use the videos not only to learn about the artists themselves, but also to consider what strategies were used in the videos to maintain audience attention.
8. Learners will obtain background information on importance of art in education for children from an infograph from Mexico called “10 Beneficios de las artes manuales en los niños” about the ten benefits of art for children.
Additional Potential Resources
Los 10 museos más divertidos para niños (Spain)
El Prado: Programas Educativos para Niños
La Reina Sofía: Guías para niños y adultos
Guggenheim Bilbao: Niños y familias
Colección Lázaro: Consejos para familias con niños (PDF)
Difusión Cultural: Proyectos educativos en museos
Cinco museos perfectos para niños en la CDMX
Additional Potential Articles
What does a Museum Educator Do? (In English)
Entrevista con Cecilia Infante (Chile): Una visita a un museo es un aprendizaje para la vida
Los museos: espacios de cultura, espacios de aprendizaje
Conclusions: Cómo aprenden los niños
El desarrollo infantil y el aprendizaje temprano
La evaluación en el área de educación visual y plástica
Additional Potential Videos:
Zamba y Tarsila do Amaral (Brasileña)
El arte de educar: Obra social (la Caixa y el Prado)
Agnes Zander, creadora del proyecto educativo de "El arte de educar"
Taller El arte de educar. Museo del Prado y "la Caixa"
La educación en el Museo: modelos pedagógicos (1 hour, 10 minutes)
To support the project, students will use a variety of technologies. Students will communicate with me and each other via email and shared Google Docs. Students will maintain a shared Google folder where they will upload notes, links to resources, and drafts of written work. Students will use cell phones and/or laptops to record the audio of interviews with the museum guides. Students will use Word, Google Docs, PowerPoint, and/or Adobe Illustrator to create the museum brochures, which they will eventually export as a PDF document in order to print and/or email to museum tour guides. Students may use PowerPoint to present their work to their peers. In order to research information about museums and artists, students will use the Internet to read and watch relevant videos. I will use PowerPoint to scaffold daily lessons, incorporating text, images, and videos. I will continue to use my school’s Homework Portal online to post daily assignments, links to resources, and reminders for students. I will provide feedback to students using Google Docs.
Finding level-appropriate materials.
A simulation of what it might feel like for a museum visitor who does not have the language skills to understand museum literature
The entry event for my project will be a simulation in my classroom. Because the issue that my students will be working with is a lack of materials that are appropriate for young Spanish-speakers who visit an art museum, the simulation will be designed to get learners to experience what a museum might feel like for children who do not understand brochures or the artwork without the proper scaffolding.
In pairs, students will observe three pieces of relatively obscure art (printed images) for five to ten minutes. They will receive a brochure that is supposed to guide them through the art. The brochure will contain one activity that focuses on each painting for a total of three activities. However, the brochure will be written in a language that students do not understand, apart from a few words interspersed throughout. After five to ten minutes, students will debrief their experiences (in either Spanish or English), responding to questions like: How does the artwork make you feel? What was it like trying to understand the artwork with a resource that was linguistically inaccessible? How did you feel about not knowing what the brochure said? How did you attempt to complete the activities?
After the debrief, students will then receive another brochure about the art that is written in comprehensible language. (In order to fully capture the point of this activity, I think the language for this brochure should be in English, the first language for the students. Because art can be hard to access, I want students to experience the feeling of not being able to understand nearly anything to fully understanding every detail. I would, however, consider putting the brochure in Spanish if my PBLL colleagues think that a brochure in comprehensible Spanish still accomplishes the goal of this activity.) Students will complete the activities within five to ten minutes.
Finally, students will again gather as a class to discuss this simulation. Again, this discussion might be in English or Spanish. They will discuss questions like: How did your perspective change once you were able to understand the brochure? What did you think of the activities that you had to complete? What do you think the target audience is for the activities? Did the art become more accessible to you? In what ways? If you could design activities about these pieces of art, what would you do? What other questions do you have about the art and/or artists?
Step by step instructions for implementing the project.
Materials for assessing work throughout the project.
Learners will receive feedback about the development of their TARGET LANGUAGE SKILLS through:
a. Various homework and warm-up assignments throughout the unit that specifically target language skills (imperative, present subjunctive, and comparative structures): sentence prompts, fill-ins, journal questions
b. Responses to questions from videos of “Zamba en el museo”
c. Students will submit drafts of written work (“What is art?” essay, “Zamba en el museo” essay, and project proposal)
d. Students will submit a draft of the survey for Spanish-speaking children (which will include instructions and requests)
e. Students will submit a draft of the questions for MFA tour guides (which will include instructions and requests)
f. Students will submit drafts of instructions for potential activities for their brochures
g. Students will submit drafts of the descriptions of art and artists, which will include comparative structures
In addition, learners will receive feedback about the development of their INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE through:
a. Students will complete a table that compares and contrasts information from articles from different countries that discuss the benefit of art for children
b. Students will respond to questions that ask them to compare and contrast resources for children provided at museums in Spanish-speaking countries
c. Students will write a short essay about “what is art” based on information from different perspectives provided in videos
d. Students will write a short essay that summarizes what they have learned about an artist from a Spanish-speaking country
Learners will also receive feedback about their progress toward project learning outcomes through:
a. Students will write a list of interview questions for museum tour guides/educators about how they design exhibits and engage children
b. Students will write a reflection essay about what they learned from the museum educators/tour guides
c. Students will respond to written questions an article that discusses how museums serve as centers for education for children
d. Students will reflect on a video in a short essay about techniques the creators of the video used to engage children in the world of art
e. Students will respond to questions that ask them to compare and contrast resources for children provided at museums
The culminating product for this project will be an activity brochure designed to engage Spanish-speaking children with art by artists from Spanish-speaking countries at the Museum of Fine Arts. Learners will present it to tour guides and/or museum educators at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, though the intended audience for the brochures are Spanish-speaking children and their families when they visit the MFA. The product will be evaluated by tour guides/museum educators at the MFA, student peers, and me using checklists, rubrics, peer review, and simulations.
The brochures will be completed in steps and go through various stages of revision. For example, after researching information about the artwork and artists that they have chosen, they will write summaries of their findings, which will be evaluated by me, using a checklist. Once they have a rough draft of their brochures, they will submit them to their peers for feedback. Their peers will use a checklist. After they have revised based on peer feedback, their peers will actually complete the brochures during our second visit to the MFA. Peers will provide feedback based on the simulation. After this, I will check them over and help the students submit the brochures to the MFA for feedback. Finally, after students revise their brochures for the last time based on feedback from the tour guides/educators, I will evaluate the brochures using a rubric.