About the NFLRC

The goal of the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) is to expand the nation’s capacity to teach and learn foreign languages effectively through research and materials development projects, especially the less commonly taught languages of Asia and the Pacific. The primary audience for most NFLRC endeavors is language instructors and applied linguists involved in these languages. However, NFLRC projects are intended to have implications for the teaching and learning of all languages, with results being disseminated to the larger educational community through publications, summer institutes, conferences, workshops, symposia, online learning events, etc. The NFLRC also conducts outreach to governmental agencies, language and area studies centers, and others concerned with strengthening the nation’s capacity in this field.

The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education (CFDA 84.229, P229A220028). However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and one should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Read more about the International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office of the U.S. Department of Education, which administers the Title VI Language Resource Centers program.

Learn about the Language Resource Centers

Rodriguez, J. C. (2024). Empowering Language Educators: The Language Resource Center’s National Network. The Language Educator, Spring 2024.

History of the NFLRC

Julio Rodriguez

Julio Rodriguez


Naiyi Xie Fincham

Naiyi Xie Fincham

Associate Director

Richard Medina

Richard Medina

Assistant Director of Technology

Rachel Mamiya Hernandez

Rachel Mamiya Hernandez

Specialist Faculty

Jim Yoshioka

Jim Yoshioka

Program Coordinator

Bryan Keith

Bryan Keith

Media Specialist

Alexander Tang

Alexander Tang

LL&T Managing Editor

Koyuki Mitani

Koyuki Mitani

CLT/NFLRC Graduate Assistant

Hsin-Tzu Jen

Hsin-Tzu Jen

CLT/NFLRC Graduate Assistant


Dorothy M. Chun

Dorothy M. Chun

Co-Editor, Language Learning & Technology Journal

Hayo Reinders

Hayo Reinders

Co-Editor, Language Learning & Technology Journal

Greta Gorsuch

Greta Gorsuch

Co-Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Jing Zhou

Jing Zhou

Co-Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Richard Day

Richard Day

Consulting Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Teresa Maria Włosowicz

Teresa Maria Włosowicz

Review Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Baiarma Soktoeva

Baiarma Soktoeva

Assistant Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Evans Kurgat

Evans Kurgat

Assistant Editor, Reading in a Foreign Language Journal

Racquel-María Sapién

Racquel-María Sapién

Editor, Language Documentation & Conservation Journal

Jesse Gleason

Jesse Gleason

Co-Editor, Second Language Research & Practice

Senta Goertler

Senta Goertler

Co-Editor, Second Language Research & Practice

Marta Gonzalez-Lloret

Marta Gonzalez-Lloret

Series Editor, Pragmatics & Language Learning

Betsy Gilliland

Betsy Gilliland

NFLRC Project Lead

Ellen Hart

Ellen Hart

Curriculum Development Project

Sarah Boutin

Sarah Boutin

Curriculum Development Project

Nicole Naditz

Nicole Naditz

NFLRC Project Facilitator

Tomoko Iwai

Tomoko Iwai

NFLRC Project Lead

Yumiko Tateyama

Yumiko Tateyama

NFLRC Project Lead

Pia Arboleda

Pia Arboleda

NFLRC Project Lead

Precious Arao

Precious Arao

NFLRC Project Team Member

Advisory Board 

Cherice Montgomery

Cherice Montgomery

NFLRC Advisory Board Member

Victoria Russell

Victoria Russell

NFLRC Advisory Board Member

Bridget Yaden

Bridget Yaden

NFLRC Advisory Board Member

Jessica Haxhi

Jessica Haxhi

NFLRC Advisory Board Member