Resources on pedagogy are currently focused on online learning and project-based language learning approaches to the teaching of world languages. Many different focus areas intersect with pedagogy in numerous ways. Explore our featured resources here or explore more offerings using the filtering tool below.
An Ecological Approach to Language Pedagogy, Programs, and Departments
by Bridget Swanson & Glenn Levine
Sample content from Second Language Research & Practice. Tap to read more.
Project-Based Language Learning (Pebbles) Repository
The Project Repository is a collection of standards-based instructional blueprints for instructors with instructions to guide the implementation of a project. Check it out!

Russian Online Language Pedagogy (OLP)

Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)

Online Language Pedagogy (OLP)
More Resources on Pedagogy
Focus Areas
Event Types
Resource Types
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2025 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action Summer Institute
Institute Co-leaders: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez & Betsy Gilliland
At various points in our lives, we each find ourselves immersed ...

8th Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT) Conference
It’s time to mark your calendar for June 25 – 28, 2025 for the FLEAT 8 conference in Hawaiʻi!
IALLT and the Japan Association for ...

2024 OLP Series: Russian Online Language Pedagogy
Developed for in-service teachers teaching Russian online, this year’s OLP series highlights themes related to adapting materials ...

Mastering Mentoring: Conversations with Accomplished Mentors
The Mastering Mentoring: Conversations with Accomplished Mentors series provides a valuable resource, addressing, in particular, the ...

Teaching and Learning Languages in the United States (TELL-US) podcast series
The NFLRC is pleased to announce our new Teaching and Learning Languages in the United States (TELL-US) podcast series. This ...

Teacher Portfolio & Preparation Series (TiPPS)
TiPPS is designed to help future language educators prepare for the job market they will face upon graduation. 8 Module, 19 lessons - ...

2023 OLP Series: Chinese Online Language Pedagogy
3-day Chinese Online Language Pedagogy (OLP) summer workshop
Digital badge & CEU credit available
Monday, June 26 | ...

2023 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action Summer Institute
Institute Co-leaders: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez & Betsy GillilandMOOC Project Lead: Naiyi Xie FinchamStaff: Jim Yoshioka, ...

Envisioning PBLL
A 5-week open-enrollment MOOC for language educators beginning to learn about Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). Successful ...

Classroom Activities for Blended Learning in Beginning Chinese
This publication, CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES FOR BLENDED LEARNING IN BEGINNING CHINESE, focuses on in-class activities for beginning ...

Online Chinese Teaching and Learning in 2020 – 2020中文线上教学
This edited monograph includes 21 papers written by 41 contributors from 9 countries on four continents, sharing their teaching ...

Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Promote Achievement for All with Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
In our two-part NFLRC Webinar titled Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Promote Achievement for All With Project-Based ...

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in World Languages
Expand your knowledge of Universal Design for Learning guided by experienced professionals in the field

Chinese Blended Learning Online Workshop
Calling all Chinese language teachers interested in blended learning!
Have you ever wondered about "flipping" your classroom? ...

2022 Pragmatics & Language Learning (PLL) Conference
The National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and the Center for Applied Second Language Studies ...

2022 OLP Series: Engaging Online Language Learners through SEL
This series will highlight how online language instructors can use the Social Emotional Learning Framework to engage students in the ...

Proceedings 2020: Selected papers from the twenty-fourth college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

2021 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Summer Institute
2021 PBLL Summer Institute (Richmond, VA)

2021 Online Language Pedagogy Series: “Supporting Students in Online Language Learning: Voices of Experience”
Free resources open to the public starting May 1, 2021.

Resources for Mentoring for PBLL

ACTFL DL SIG / NFLRC Mentoring Program for Online Language Teachers

Online Language Pedagogy Resources
A collection of resources from the Online Language Pedagogy project.

Proceedings 2019: Selected papers from the twenty-third college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

2020 NFLRC Webinars: Enacting Performance Assessment through Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
In our two-part NFLRC Webinar titled Enacting Performance Assessments through Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL), we will explore ...

Our Kuleana
Celebrating 30 years in 2020, we at the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) dedicate ourselves to improving the learning ...

2020 Summer Institute: Planning for Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
2020 Summer Institute

Project-Based Language Learning: Promoting Child Literacy in Brazil
Meet Rachel Mamiya Hernandez who has applied principles of project-based learning (PBL) in a Portuguese language class.

Support the ACTFL PBLL Special Interest Group (SIG)
Sign up to support the ACTFL PBLL Special Interest Group (SIG)

NFLRC Resources on ScholarSpace
NFLRC maintains a large searchable archive of free language research and teaching materials on ScholarSpace...

NFLRC Short Course: Intersections Between High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs) and Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
Explore the intersections between HLTPs & PBLL

NFLRC @ 2019 ACTFL Conference
Going to ACTFL 2019 in Washington DC? Come join us!

2019 Selecting and Adapting Materials for Online Language Learning and Teaching
Free online course on selecting & adapting materials for online language learning & teaching

2019 Summer Institute: Exploring Project-Based Language Learning
2019 Summer Institute

Proceedings 2018: Selected papers from the twenty-second college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

2019 NFLRC Webinars: Harnessing High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs) in Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
Interested in the intersections between HLTPs and PBLL? Join our webinar!

High-Leverage Teaching Practices
Expand your knowledge of HLTPs guided by experienced professionals in the field.

The NFLRC Team @ ACTFL 2018
Going to the 2018 ACTFL Conference in New Orleans? The NFLRC team will be presenting there. Come join us!

Proceedings 2017: Selected papers from the twenty-first college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

Blended Learning
Explore the potential of blended learning

A curated collection of projects developed and implemented by world language professionals.

Online Language Pedagogy Modules Project
Participate in our survey - extended deadline November 4, 2020!

4th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition (CILC4): Educational Enskillment, Event, and Ecology (2018)
Call for Abstracts deadline: February 1, 2018.

2018 Pragmatics in Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Intensive Summer Institute
2018 Summer Institute

2018 PBLL Intensive Summer Institute Designer Badge

2018 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Online Institute
Learn the fundamentals of project-based language learning (PBLL) and earn your digital badge!

2018 Online Symposium: Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
On Jan 17-18, 2018, the PBLL Online Symposium will provide a free introductory forum on project-based language learning

2018 Fundamentals of PBLL: Badge Criteria

The NFLRC Team @ ACTFL 2017
Going to the 2017 ACTFL Conference in Nashville? The NFLRC team and a number of our intensive summer institute participants will be ...

2017 Assessment in Online Language Courses

2017 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Intensive Summer Institute: Pathways to PBLL
2017 Summer Institute

NFLRC 2017 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Intensive Summer Institute: Pathways to PBLL
This document reports on, and evaluates the NFLRC 2017 Intensive Summer Institute more...

5th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (2017)
5th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC): Linking Language & Wellbeing

Proceedings 2016: Selected papers from the twentieth college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

2017 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Online Institute
Learn the fundamentals of project-based language learning (PBLL) and earn your digital badge!

2017 Online Symposium: The Power of Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
On Jan 11-12, 2017, the PBLL Online Symposium will provide a free forum on the power of project-based language learning

2017 Fundamentals of PBLL: Badge Criteria

The NFLRC Team @ ACTFL 2016
Going to the 2016 ACTFL Conference in Boston? Come see Online Language Pedagogy and Project-Based Language Learning presentations by ...

2016 Materials Development for Online Language Courses

Tim Murphey tips (YouTube playlist)
Tim Murphey’s information is invaluable and his enthusiasm infectious. Access samples of Dr. Tim Murphey lectures on inventive ...

Proceedings 2015: Selected papers from the nineteenth college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics & literature
Selected papers from the annual college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literatures. View the complete list ...

Singing Our Way to Well-Becoming
Well-being is a state of general “wellness” which can make us lazy in our efforts to improve the world. I have proposed ...

2016 Project-Based Language Learning & Interculturality Intensive Summer Institute
2016 Summer Institute

2016 PBLL Intensive Summer Institute Designer Badge

2016 Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT)
The Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT) comes to Hawai‘i in 2016
2016 Online Symposium: Project-Based Language Learning: Inspiring Teachers, Transforming Learning
On Jan 12-15, 2016, the PBLL Online Symposium will provide a free forum on the potential for PBLL to transform and enhance language ...

2016 Fundamentals of PBLL: Badge Criteria

2016 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Online Institute
Learn the fundamentals of project-based language learning (PBLL) and earn your digital badge!

The NFLRC Team @ ACTFL 2015
Going to ACTFL 2015? Come see our 6 exciting presentations related to Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) and Online Language Pedagogy!

2015 Designing Interaction for Online Language Learning
Designed for in-service teachers of world languages in online environments, this course, offered in Fall 2015, focuses on the various ...

NFLRC 2015 Intensive Summer Institute: Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action
This document reports on, and evaluates the NFLRC 2015 Intensive Summer Institute more...

Developing Courses in Languages for Specific Purposes
Language for Specific Purposes courses provide an invaluable alternative or supplement to general language courses...

Proceedings 2014: Selected papers from the eighteenth college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literature
In a Word

2015 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action Intensive Summer Institute
2015 Summer Institute

2015 PBLL Intensive Summer Institute Designer Badge

4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (2015)
The 4th ICLDC, “Enriching Theory, Practice, & Application,” was held February 26-March 3, 2015

2015 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Online Institute
Learn the fundamentals of project-based language learning (PBLL) and earn your digital badge!

Hawai‘i Association of Language Teachers (HALT) Fall Symposium
The annual HALT Fall Symposium features hands-on workshops on ways to integrate technology into language teaching

Intensive Summer Institutes
NFLRC has carried out summer institutes since 1991, providing training and professional development for K-16 language educators ...

PBLL Curriculum Development
Curriculum development initiatives, including efforts to create new curriculum or redesign courses for Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, ...

Online Professional Development
The NFLRC will develop and conduct a series of 4 online professional development institutes ...

Cultura-inspired intercultural exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific languages
Although many online intercultural exchanges have been conducted based on the groundbreaking Cultura model, most to date have been ...

PBLL Teacher Badge

PBLL Implementer Badge

2013 NFLRC Summer Institute: Language for Specific Purposes evaluation report
This document reports on, and evaluates NFLRC 2013 Summer Institute:“Language for Specific Purposes” at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa...

New perspectives on Japanese language learning, linguistics, and culture
Covers several important topics on teaching and learning spoken and written Japanese and culture in and beyond classroom settings, but ...

NFLRChawaii YouTube channel
A repository of both general and language-specific resources for teachers and learners of Asia-Pacific, The NFLRChawaii YouTube channel...

Ideal Classmates and Reciprocal Idealizing
Tim Murphey describes an easy action research/activity done in the spring of 2012 with 488 students in four Tokyo area Japanese ...

Present Communities of Imagination (PCOIz)
Using group dynamics as an umbrella term for overlapping literatures on community, cooperative, and collaborative practices, I introduce ...

Using surveys for understanding and improving foreign language programs
The goal of this guide is to help language educators develop surveys that produce useful information for evaluation in language programs....

Tala fa`asamoa e faitau fa`atasi, Samoan stories to read together
These three charming stories — “Speak to Me in Samoan,” “The Girl Who Plays Golf,” and “Lani and Lili...

Inviting altruistic agency among students
Agency is normally understood as the capacity to act, to have a degree of self-determination and control over one’s self and the ...

Online Learning Communities for Less Commonly Taught Languages
To address the LRC mandate for “the conduct and dissemination of research on new and improved methods for teaching foreign languages, inc...

Dissemination: Conferences, Workshops, Publications
Results from all projects undertaken by the NFLRC will be disseminated to the widest audience possible. The primary vehicles for dissemin...

Agency and student voice
In this video, Dr. Murphey explains how listening to what students say works and doesn't work in their own second-language education can ...

2009 NFLRC Summer Institute For Non-native Teachers of Chinese Evaluation
Evaluation of the 2009 NFLRC Summer Institute For Non-native Teachers of Chinese held at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa, from June ...

Manchu: A textbook for reading documents (second edition)
“...a welcome event in the field of Manchu studies.” --Journal of the American Oriental Society 130.4 (2010)View the table ...
2009 NFLRC summer institute: Web-based two-week intensive language course for non-native teachers of Japanese evaluation report.
This document reports on, and evaluates the 2009 NFLRC summer institute: Web-based two-week intensive language course for non-native teac...

Young learner development with co-learning adults
If we just depend on occasional lessons in schools, we are not realizing the potential of our everyday learning environments for allowing...

Online Cafés: Intercultural Learning Communities
This 25-minute video (view/download it online here) describes the Online Cafés project, in which language educators have worked together ...

Second Language Research Forum 2008: Conference evaluation report
Evaluation of the 2008 Second Language Research Forum Conference.

Second language teaching and learning in the Net Generation
Today’s young people—the Net Generation—have grown up with technology all around them. However, teachers cannot ...

Hoping and language learning
To what degree do our methods provide productive pathways and confidence to aid our language learners? During this sixth annual presentat...

Online Summer Institute for Non-native Teachers of Chinese & Japanese (2009)
2009 Summer Institute

Teaching Assistant Survival Society (TASS) (2008-2017)
TASS is an informal professional development forum for language Teaching Assistants
Fostering cohesion and community in asynchronous online courses
Powerpoint presentation at CALICO 2008 in San Francisco.

Thai Language and Culture for Beginners (Book 1+CD+DVD)
Auxiliary materials no longer available through UH Press are now available for free download on ScholarSpace. Thai Language and Culture f...

2007 Second International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching: Conference evaluation report
Evaluation of the 2007 Second International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching conference.

Aozora: Intermediate-advanced Japanese communication (second edition)
Develops intermediate students’ oral and written communicative skills and provides insights into Japanese society and culture...

Pingelapese “e” vs. “ae”: Do you know the difference?
This simple and colorful Pingelapese word book grew out of the authors' participation in the UH's Language Documentation Project. The ...

Thai Language and Culture for Beginners (Book 2+CD+DVD)
Auxiliary materials no longer available through UH Press are now available for free download on ScholarSpace. Thai Language and Culture f...

Online Cafes for Heritage Learners of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, and Samoan
The virtual equivalent of the neighborhood coffee house, the on-line cafe is a place for people to gather for conversation and social int...

Online Certificate Courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
This project to be carried out in the 2006-2010 funding cycle will enable students and government and civilian personnel to earn the UH a...

Pingelapese alphabet book
This simple and colorful Pingelapese word book grew out of the author's participation in the UHs Language Documentation Project. The ...

Perspectives on teaching connected speech to second language speakers
This edited collection of fourteen articles examines connected speech is of interest to teachers, researchers, and materials ...

Communicating in Khmer: Reading and writing for beginners (includes 1 CD)
[no description available. Please contact the author Chhany Sak-Humphry]

Corpus linguistics for Korean language learning and teaching
Dramatic advances in personal-computer technology have given language teachers access to vast quantities of machine-readable text, which ...

2004 selected papers from the NFLRC symposium: Distance Education, Distributed Learning and Language Instruction
These eight papers were presented at the Distance Education, Distributed Learning, and Language Instruction Symposium held July 27-30, 2...

Las voces de las mujeres de Xelajú
Listen to the authentic voices of twenty ordinary Guatemalan women as you watch these interviewees share their unique views regarding ...

Tim Murphey-Best of, volume 1
By popular demand! This "best of" collection includes four hour-long Tim Murphey video presentations on two DVDs...

Song and music in language learning
Tim demonstrates ways in which music and song can facilitate language acquisition, healthy living, and positive group dynamics...

Juggling with language learning theories
Learning to juggle has become popular among corporate training programs as it shows participants how to appreciate mistakes and use ...

2004 NFLRC symposium: Distance Education, Distributed Learning & Language Instruction: Reports from the field
Final report on the 2004 Symposium, Distance Education, Distributed Learning & Language Instruction: Reports from the Field

2004 NFLRC conference evaluation: FAGASA
Full title: Final report on the 2004 13th annual conference of the Association for the Teaching of the Samoan Language in Aotearoa (FAGA...

2004 NFLRC/COTSEAL Workshop: New Visions for Southeast Asian Language Teaching
Evaluation of the 2004 NFLRC/COTSEAL Workshop, New Visions for Southeast Asian Language Teaching.

2004 NFLRC conference: Cultural Diversity & Language Education
Final report on the 2004 NFLRC Cultural Diversity & Language Education Conference co-sponsored by the University of Hawai`i Center for Se...

Tagalog for health care providers
intended for nurses, social workers, and public health professionals. They are designed to strengthen the Tagalog speaking skills of ...

Online Chinese for minority-serving institutions
This video reports on an experimental two-year introductory course sequence in Mandarin Chinese is being developed and taught to ...

Pakinggan at unawain: Comprehending intermediate Filipino
Watching while listening promotes understanding and makes learning Filipino a lively and engaging experience. Pakinggan at unawain...

Mari belajar sopan santun Bahasa Indonesia
Filmed on location in East Java, Indonesia, the Mari Belajar Sopan Santun Bahasa Indonesia set consists of two videotapes, a ma...

2003 NFLRC summer institute: Corpus Linguistics for Korean Language Learning and Teaching
Evaluation of the 2003 NFLRC summer institute, Corpus Linguistics for Korean Language Learning and Teaching.

2003 NFLRC summer institute for professional development: Southeast Asian pedagogy workshops
Report on a series of site visits and faculty development workshops at US-supported advanced study abroad programs in Southeast Asia. ...
Multimedia Language Learning Software
This website was developed as a follow-up to the 1998 Invitational Symposium on Assessing and Advancing Technology Option in Language ...

NPRM – Near Peer Role Modeling
Here's a sample. For more, visit our Tim Murphey Tips playlist."Near peer role models" are people near to us in possibly several ways, ...

Task-Based Language Teaching: A demonstration module
This Research Note illustrates Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) as developed by Michael H. Long. The set consists of a demonstration v...

Group dynamics in the language classroom
Here's a sample. For more, visit our Tim Murphey Tips playlist.Group dynamics is one of the most, if not the most, important areas for...

Continuation of the journal Language Learning & Technology (2002-2006)
Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal, published exclusively on the World Wide Web, which began publication in July ...

Distance Education, Distributed Learning, and Introductory Language Instruction
The NFLRC has been carrying out a series of interrelated distance education projects since 1995. In the current grant cycle, a course she...

2002 Summer Institute evaluation: Samoan pedagogy institute
Evaluation of the 2002 NFLRC Summer Institute, Ia Faalautele Lau Gagana Samoan Pedagogy Institute.

2002 Summer Institute evaluation: Heritage learners and national language needs
Evaluation of the 2000 NFLRC Summer Institute, Heritage Learners and National Language Needs.

Communicating in Khmer 1 (includes 1 CD)
Each text (Khmer 1 or Khmer 2) plus CD-ROM set contains fifteen lessons representing a second-year Khmer language course taught at the u...

2002 Summer Institute evaluation: Web-based workshops for advanced reading & writing development & maintenance
Evaluation of the 2002 NFLRC Summer Institute, Web-Based Workshops for Advanced Reading & Writing Development & Maintenance .
New technologies and language learning: Cases in the less commonly taught languages (ONLINE VERSION)
In recent years, the National Security Education Program (NSEP) has supported an increasing number of programs for teaching languages usi...

Makinig at bumasa: Intermediate-advanced Filipino
To order, or for more information, contact Ruth Mabanglo This Filipino/Tagalog interacti...
KÀN NA! Authentic Chinese reading & video (PC only)
A variety of authentic sources, including a newspaper report of a hijacking, a family letter to Chinese students in the US...

Communicating in Khmer 2 (includes 1 CD)
Each text (Khmer 1 or Khmer 2) plus CD-ROM set contains fifteen lessons representing a second-year Khmer language course taught at the u...
HANGUL-RO BOJA! Authentic Korean reading & video
A variety of authentic sources, including notes found on the family refrigerator, traditional folk tales, modern poetry...

‘O si Manu a Ali’i: A text for the advanced study of Samoan language and culture
'O si Manu a Ali'i is the first comprehensive guide for teachers of Samoan oratory and the Samoan language of respect...
Community language resources: A handbook for teachers
The aim of the project is to capitalize on community language resources in developing programs and products to improve foreign ...

2001 Summer Institute evaluation: Developing web-based foreign language learning environments
Evaluation of the 2001 NFLRC Summer Institute, Developing Web-Based Foreign Language Learning Environments.

2001 Summer Institute evaluation: Web-based workshops for advanced reading & writing development & maintenance
Evaluation of the 2001 NFLRC Summer Institute, Web-Based Workshops for Advanced Reading & Writing Development & Maintenance.

2001 Summer Institute evaluation: Korean pedagogy workshop: Task-based language teaching
Evaluation of the 2001 NFLRC Summer Institute, Korean Pedagogy Workshop: Task-Based Language Teaching.

Motivation and second language acquisition
A wide range of theoretical and research methodological issues and also offer empirical results (both qualitative and quantitative) ...

Korean Pedagogy Workshop: Task-Based Language Teaching (2001)
The opening session of this three-day summer institute willprovide an overview of the rationale for Task-Based Language Teaching(TBLT) ...

2000 Summer Institute evaluation: Performance-based Chinese language instruction
Evaluation of the 2000 NFLRC Summer Institute, Performance-Based Chinese Language Instruction.

Identity and second language learning: Local Japanese learning Japanese in Hawai‘i
Ethnographic case study of four Japanese American university students studying the Japanese language in Hawai‘i investigates the role ...

Keys to Chinese character writing
A self-paced tutorial text plus video designed to address common problems students face when learning to write Chinese characters. Its ...

Manchu: A textbook for reading documents
As the first English-language Manchu textbook since Moellendorf's Manchu Grammar in 1892, this book offers students a tool to gain a good...

A communicative framework for introductory Japanese language curricula
In recent years the number of schools offering Japanese nationwide has increased dramatically. Because of the tremendous popularity of Ja...

Shadowing and summarizing
Shadowing and summarizing are deceptively simple tasks that can greatly enhance learning. This video shows an actual class going through ...

2017 PBLL Intensive Summer Institute Designer Badge

Hawaiʻi Association of Language Teachers (HALT) Spring Conference
The annual HALT Spring Conference features keynote addresses, paper presentations, roundtables, and a publishers' exhibit

2016 Fundamentals of PBLL Online Institute – Start page

2015 Fundamentals of PBLL (Option 1)

2015 Fundamentals of PBLL: Badge Criteria

NFLRC National Conference Presentations
Our annual presentations at ACTFL & CALICO

Hui-Ya Chuang
Hui-Ya Chuang comes to us from Empire State College in New York where for the past three years she was the Coordinator of ...

Ruslan Suvorov
Ruslan (Russ) Suvorov is a Language Technology Specialist at the Center for Language & Technology (CLT) where he works on various ...

Stephen Tschudi (Fleming)
Since the 1990s, Stephen has worked on developing distance education applications for Chinese language at beginning, intermediate, and ...

David Hiple
DAVID HIPLE (former Director of the Center for Language & Technology and former Associate NFLRC Director) has 35 years of ...

Dorothy M. Chun
Dorothy M. Chun is Professor Emerita of Applied Linguistics and Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara and since ...

Yao Zhang Hill
YAO ZHANG HILL is an Assessment Specialist for the UHM Assessment Office, which collaborates with faculty, staff, students, and ...

Hanh Thi Nguyen
Dr. Hanh Thi Nguyen (Hawai‘i Pacific University) serves as curriculum developer for Vietnamese 101, 102, 201, and 202 for courses at ...

Cherice Montgomery
Cherice Montgomery currently coordinates the Spanish Teaching Major Program at Brigham Young University, where she teaches graduate ...

Liliana Lopez
Liliana Lopez is co-leader of the NFLRC 2015 Summer Institute on Project-based Language Learning (PBLL). She is on the National ...

Lauren Scheller
Lauren Scheller is co-leader of the 2015 NFLRC Summer Institute on Project-based Language Learning (PBLL). She is Partnership Manager ...

Sabine Levet
Sabine Levet is co-leader of the 2016 NFLR Summer Institute on Intercultural Collaboration and Project-based Language Learning. She is ...

Marta Gonzalez-Lloret
Marta González-Lloret is a professor of Applied Linguistics in the UHM Department of LLEA. Her main areas of expertise are the ...

Richard Schmidt
It is with great sadness that we announce that Dr. Richard (Dick) Schmidt passed away on Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Dick was the ...

Don Doehla
Don Doehla teaches French at Vintage High School in Napa, California. He is also Co-Director of the Berkeley WL Project at UC ...

Bridget Beaver
Bridget Beaver is a Japanese teacher and instructional leader for North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS). She has an MA in ...

Mónica Vidal
Susan Hojnacki
Dr. Susan Hojnacki is facilitator for our 2016 Materials Development for Online Language Courses webinar series. She is currently an ...

Cindy Kendall
Cindy Kendall has an Ed.S. in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy from Michigan State University (MSU). She holds Michigan ...

Mitsuko Suzuki
Mitsuko Suzuki is the assistant editor of Reading in a Foreign Language. She is a PhD student studying in second ...

Richard Day
Richard Day is well-known for his work in extensive reading. He is the co-editor of the scholarly journal, Reading in a Foreign ...

Richard Medina
RICHARD MEDINA is the Assistant Director of Technology at the NFLRC. His energies are primarily directed at co-developing online ...

Ivan Banov

Carol Chapelle
2010-2014 Advisory Board Member

Mark Warschauer

Julio C. Rodriguez
Julio C Rodriguez (NFLRC Director) is the director of the Center for Language & Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. ...

Disseminating Technology-based Models for Distance Education in Critical Languages
The University of Hawaiʻi and the UH NFLRC have a strong commitment to and significant experience in distance-education-delivered foreign...

Continuation of the journal Language Learning & Technology (1999-2002)
A major initiative of the NFLRC during the 1996-1999 grant cyclewas the establishment of a new professional journal on technology andfo...

Foreign languages on ITV
The use of interactive television (ITV) is on the rise in the foreign language teaching field, bringing previously unavailable educationa...
Explicit instruction and JFL learners’ use of interactional discourse markers in extended tellings
Study of the explicit instruction of Japanese discourse markers to English-speaking, intermediate learners of Japanese as a Foreign ...

Foreign language teaching & language minority education
This volume seeks to examine the potential for building relationships among foreign language, bilingual, and ESL programs towards fosteri...

Nah, Baca! Authentic Indonesian readings (vol. 2, student workbook plus reading packet)
lessons, based on readings selected from the contemporary press, for the teaching of Indonesian as a second language. The accompanying ...

Explicit and incidental instruction and learner awareness
Explicit instruction can facilitate learner awareness of the surface features of a language, but does not guarantee it. Similarly, learne...

L2 vocabulary learning strategies
Explicit instruction can facilitate learner awareness of the surface features of a language, but does not guarantee it. Similarly, learne...

Integration of national standards in a Japanese language classroom
This 20-minute video plus guidebook familiarizes pre-service and in-service teachers of Japanese with the "five C" goals of the Japanese ...

Introducing action research into post-secondary foreign language teacher education
The teaching of foreign languages at the post-secondary level in the USA increasingly reflects an interest in developing communicative ...

Nah, Baca! Authentic Indonesian readings (vol. 2, teacher’s edition plus readings packet)
This Teacher's Edition accompanies Nah, Baca! Volume Two, which offers thirty-two lessons, based on readings selected from the contempora...

Chinese language video clips
Chinese Language Video Clips are not lessons but "raw material" -- video segments shot in China to be used as you see fit. Enjoy fifty ...

Authentic Indonesian video (text + 3 videotapes)
Presents 20 intermediate to advanced lessons based on authentic programming and featuring language-learning activities with a key for ...

Designing second language performance assessments
This technical report focuses on the decision-making potential provided by second language performanc...

Checklist: Evaluative criteria for computer-delivered language learning systems
The Multimedia Language Learning Software website was developed as a follow-up to the 1998 Invitational Symposium on Assessing and Advanc...

Second language development in writing: Measures of fluency, accuracy, and complexity
In this book, the authors analyze and compare the ways that fluency, accuracy, grammatical complexity, and lexical complexity have been m...

Intermediate reader in technical and scientific Japanese
Intermediate Japanese students may learn complex grammatical structures and reading strategies at the same time that they acquire ...

Nah, Baca! Authentic Indonesian readings (vol. 1, teacher’s edition plus readings packet)
This Teacher's Edition accompanies Nah, Baca!, Volume 1, which is designed for a first year language course at the university level and i...
Teaching Russian reading in a distance classroom: A report
In the spring of 1997, the author team-taught a Russian Reading course at the UH via a distance classroom. A brief report on the ...

Bridging gaps with technology in the ITV classroom
This short presentation interpolates discussion of the implementation of desirable pedagogical principles in the interactive ...

New trends and issues in teaching Japanese language and culture
In recent years, Japanese has become the fourth most commonly taught foreign language at the college level in the United States. As the n...

Nah, Baca! Authentic Indonesian readings (vol. 1, student workbook plus reading packet)
Contains twenty-two lessons, based on readings selected from the contemporary Indonesian press. The accompanying graded set of ...

Chinese language video lessons for classroom use (text plus 2 videos)
These fifteen lessons in Mandarin Chinese model a performance-based five-stage scheme for lesson development, derived from natural ...

Authentic Tagalog video (text + videotape)
Designed to supplement existing Tagalog curricula at the secondary and post-secondary school level. The twenty-one video lessons are ...

Language Learning & Technology: Online Journal
Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal, published exclusively on the World Wide Web, which began publication in July ...

Distance Education
Performance-based Multimedia Materials for Mandarin Chinese and Korean via an Integrated CD-ROM and World-Wide-Web Delivery FormatA new...

Motivation for learning foreign languages
This DVD offers an informative and entertaining discussion of several studies on the role of motivation in second and foreign language le...

Chinese language video clips for classroom use (video version)
Filmed on location in Beijing, mostly at Peking University, these naturalistic video clips, ranging from less than one minute to eight mi...

Korean language and culture materials
These materials were developed as a lightning-quick introduction to Korean language and to the intricacies of personal interaction with t...

Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference
This volume contains 18 articles revolving around linguistic issues, sociolinguistics, and language teaching and learning.

Telecollaboration in foreign language learning: Proceedings of the Hawai‘i Symposium
A sampling of presentations on electronic networking for foreign language teaching and research, including electronic discussion and ...

Language learning motivation: Pathways to the new century
This volume chronicles a revolution in our thinking about what makes students want to learn languages and what causes them to persist in ...

Integrating language and content instruction
Students who participate in immersion programs not only become proficient in the immersion language, they also achieve academically...

LSEV: Learner self-evaluated videos
Regularly videotaping students’ conversations for them to analyze gives holistic data from which the students can learn and improve. LSE...

Na Mea Ulu Hawai‘i/Ka Makani/Ka Wa‘a
Three separate resource units cover the topics "Hawaiian plants", "wind", and "canoes." In addition to authentic Hawaiian language ...

Attention and awareness in foreign language learning
Issues related to the role of attention and awareness in learning lie at the heart of many theoretical and practical controversies in the...

Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives
Language learning strategies are the specific steps students take to improve their progress in learning a second or foreign language. Opt...
Mandarin Chinese: Four-year instructional goals, curriculum outline, and institutional measures
This curriculum outline includes student profiles, objectives, and an instructional outline for a Chinese language core program which uti...

Virtual connections: Online activities and projects for networking language learners
Computer networking has created dramatic new possibilities for connecting language learners in a single classroom or across the globe. Th...

Asian role play cards (Chinese)
These cards provide task-based role play situations for teaching and testing in East Asian cultural contexts. Specific sets have been ...

Teacher Training via Interactive Television and Internet
This project explored the media of interactive television (ITV) and internet for teacher education. The context for the project was an in...

Asian role play cards (Korean)
These cards provide task-based role play situations for teaching and testing in East Asian cultural contexts. Specific sets have been ...

Asian role play cards (Japanese)
These cards provide task-based role play situations for teaching and testing in East Asian cultural contexts. Specific sets have been ...
Supplementary materials for conversational Tagalog (student book+reading text)
This collection of graded authentic reading materials, along with grammar and vocabulary exercises, has been prepared for students of Tag...

Samoan language for health care providers
This beginning text emphasizes vocabulary and conversation in the health care environment. Included are basic Samoan lessons, topical ...